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subpart 250.4--Residual powers



 250.403 Special procedures for unusually hazardous or nuclear risks.
 250.403-70 Indemnification under contracts involving both research and development and other work.

250.403  Special procedures for unusually hazardous or nuclear risks.


250.403-70  Indemnification under contracts involving both research and development and other work.

When indemnification is to be provided on contracts requiring both research and development work and other work, the contracting officer shall insert an appropriate clause using the authority of both 10 U.S.C. 2354 and Pub. L. 85-804.


      (a)  The use of Pub. L. 85-804 is limited to work which cannot be indemnified under 10 U.S.C. 2354 and is subject to compliance with FAR Subpart 50.4.


      (b)  Indemnification under 10 U.S.C. 2354 is covered by 235.070.




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