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subpart 251.1--contractor use of government supply sources

(Revised November 22, 2002)



 251.102 Authorization to use Government supply sources.
 251.105 Payment for shipments.
 251.107 Contract clause.

251.102  Authorization to use Government supply sources.


      (e)  Use the format in Table 51-1, Authorization to Purchase from Government Supply Sources.  Specify the terms of the purchase, including contractor acceptance of any Government materiel, payment terms, and the addresses required by paragraph (e) of the clause at 252.251-7000, Ordering from Government Supply Sources.


              (3)(ii)  In addition to the procedure and form authorized by FAR 51.102(e)(3)(ii), contractors may use the DD Form 1155 when requisitioning from the Department of Veterans Affairs.


      (f)  The authorizing agency is also responsible for promptly considering requests of the DoD supply source for authority to refuse to honor requisitions from a contractor that is indebted to DoD and has failed to pay proper invoices in a timely manner.




SUBJECT:  Authorization to Purchase from Government Supply Sources

__________________________________________________________ (Contractor's Name)


__________________________________________________________ (Contractor's Address)


      1.  You are hereby authorized to use Government sources in performing Contract No. __________________ for [insert applicable military department or defense agency], as follows:  [Insert applicable purchasing authority given to the contractor.]


      2.a.  Purchase Orders Under Federal Supply Schedules or Personal Property Rehabilitation Price Schedules.  Place orders in accordance with the terms and conditions of the attached Schedule(s) and this authorization.  Attach a copy of this authorization to the order (unless a copy was previously furnished to the Federal Supply Schedule or Personal Property Rehabilitation Price Schedule contractor).  Insert the following statement in the order:


This order is placed under written authorization from ______________________________________ dated ____________________ (*___________).  In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this order and those of the Federal Supply Schedule or Personal Property Rehabilitation Price Schedule contract, the latter will govern.


      b.  Requisitioning from the General Services Administration (GSA) or the Department of Defense (DoD).  Place orders in accordance with this authorization and, as appropriate, the following:


              (1)  Federal Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (FEDSTRIP) (GSA FEDSTRIP Operating Guide:  FPMR 101-26.2 (41 CFR 101-26.2)).  Copies are available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC  20402; telephone (202) 512-1800; facsimile (202) 512-2250.


              (2)  Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) (DoD 4000.25-1-M).  Copies are available from the Defense Logistics Agency, Administrative Support Center East, ATTN:  ASCE-WS, 14 Dedication Drive, Suite 3, POD 43, New Cumberland, PA  17070-5011; telephone 1-888-DLA-PUBS(352-7827), or                  (717) 770-6034; facsimile (717) 770-4817.


      (c)  Enterprise Software Initiative.  Place orders in accordance with the terms and conditions of the attached Enterprise Software Agreement(s), or instructions for obtaining commercial software or software maintenance from Enterprise Software Initiative inventories, and this authorization.  Attach a copy of this authorization to the order (unless a copy was previously furnished to the Enterprise Software Agreement contractor).  Insert the following statement in the order:


      This order is placed under written authorization from __________________________ dated___________ (*___________).  In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this order, and those of the Enterprise Software Agreement, the latter will govern.


      3.  ***


      4.  This authority is not transferable or assignable.


      5.  The DoD Activity Address Directory (DoDAAD) (DoD 4000.25-6-M) Activity Address Code** to which this Authorization applies is ___________.


      6.  This Authorization expires _______________________________.



(Contracting Officer)


      *     Insert “a copy of which is attached,” “a copy of which you have on file,” or other suitable language, as appropriate.

      **   The sponsoring service assumes responsibility for monitoring and controlling all  activity address codes used in the letters of authority.

      ***  Insert other provisions, as necessary.



251.105  Payment for shipments.

Contractor payments for purchases from DoD supply sources are due within 30 days of the date of a proper invoice (see FAR 32.902 for definition of “due date” and “payment date;” also see FAR 32.905(e)).


251.107  Contract clause.

Use the clause at 252.251-7000, Ordering From Government Supply Sources, in solicitations and contracts which include the clause at FAR 52.251-1, Government Supply Sources.


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