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Designation Handbook for Federal Depository Libraries PDF Print E-mail
Written on Friday, August 22, 2008
Last Updated on Thursday, December 04, 2008

Designation Handbook for Federal Depository Libraries.GPO is pleased to announce the release of a revised online version of the Designation Handbook for Federal Depository Libraries. This revised version includes a new section on the designation of libraries as regional depositories. It also includes sections that a library or designator can refer to that outline the complete steps for designation.

The purpose of this document is to provide in one location the steps necessary to initiate, carry through, and conclude the designation of a library as a new Federal depository. The intended audience is library administrators and staff seeking depository status as well as elected and appointed government officials, including U.S. Senators, U.S. Representatives, the Public Printer, the Superintendent of Documents and State Librarians involved in the designation process.

This revised publication supersedes the "Designation Handbook for Federal Depository Libraries" dated 1995, 2003 printing (slightly revised).

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