United States-Russia Joint Commission
on POWs and MIAs and the Defense POW/Missing Personnel
Office Joint Commission Support Division Archival
Documents Databases
This database contains 217 records.
Last update: December 2006
Working under authority of
the U.S.-Russia Joint Commission
on POW/MIAs, the Joint Commission Support Division (JCSD)
of the United States Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel
Office (DPMO) makes
available to the public those documents obtained from archives
in the former Soviet Union that pertain to Americans who are
unaccounted for from World War II, the Korean Conflict, the
Cold War, and the war in Southeast Asia. The documents have
been translated from Russian into English.
The documents indexed in this database were retrieved
from various official Soviet-era and Russian archives,
and were redacted (edited) to remove personal information,
as well as information regarding the location,
condition, and treatment of the missing Americans.
United States law requires redaction of such information
in order to preserve privacy.
The archive folders often contain a large number
of documents that relate to a particular event
or subject. The documents offered to the public
at this website were selected from those
larger archival files according to their relevance
to the actual cases of unaccounted-for Americans.
Therefore, selected pages of often larger documents
are included in this database. One archive subject
heading may contain hundreds or thousands of pages
of documents, only a few of which may cite information
on the American(s) whose whereabouts is questioned.
For example, the classification "TFR65-1" (designating "Task
Force Russia") refers to archive document number
65, page one (and, in some cases, additional following
pages). The user may also find the designation "TFR65-23," which
indicates that the document being viewed is page
23 of document 65. Pages 2 through 22 may or may
not have been translated and released to the public.
This numbering system was established by the DPMO/JCSD
personnel who actually examined and retrieved the
The documents have been indexed in order to provide
organized searching. The index includes the title
of the document (or a statement concerning its
subject if the document has no exact title), document
date, the total number of pages, name(s) identified
in the document, keywords, and comments giving
the searcher additional information about the document.
Once the search term(s) is entered in the search
engine, a list of "hits" will appear. The searcher
may click on each "hit" and then click on "view
tiff image" link to view the image of the complete
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