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Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994-1999
NCES: 2000086
February 2000


President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology, Panel on Educational Technology. 1997. Report to the President on the Use of Technology to Strengthen K– 12 Education in the United States. Available online:

U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics: 1995; Advanced Telecommunications in U. S. Public Schools, K– 12, NCES 95– 731. 1996; Advanced Telecommunications in U. S. Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, 1995, NCES 96– 854. 1997; Advanced Telecommunications in U. S. Private Schools, K– 12, Fall 1995, NCES 97-394. 1997; Advanced Telecommunications in U. S. Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, Fall 1996, NCES 97– 944. 1998; Internet Access in Public Schools, NCES 98-031. 1999; Internet Access in Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994– 98, NCES 1999– 017. 2000; What are the Barriers to the Use of Advanced Telecommunications for Students with Disabilities in Public Schools? NCES 2000–042. 2000; Computer and Internet Access in U. S. Private Schools and Classrooms: 1995 and 1998, NCES 2000–044.