I. Use Assumptions

This document focuses on the equal access requirements for people with disabilities that apply to the points-of-service that address human needs, specifically the functions and activities comprising Emergency Support Function 6 (Disaster Mass Care, Housing, and Human Services).  It is intended to be used by disaster relief planners and service providers, including:  Federal, state, local, and tribal governments, and non-governmental and private sector organizations. The document serves as a concise reference guide that describes existing legal requirements and standards relating to access for people with disabilities.  This Guide does not create new standards and obligations, financially or otherwise, nor is it intended to modify any existing legal requirements and standards.

Although this Guide is organized by type of provider, providers must be aware that they may fall into more than one category of provider.  For example, a state agency that receives Federal financial assistance must comply with laws that apply to Federal financial assistance recipients as well as to laws that apply to state and local governments.  Non-profit organizations that receive Federal financial assistance to provide food, clothing, shelter, or transportation in connection with an emergency must comply with obligations applicable to recipients of such assistance as well as requirements generally applicable to nonprofit organizations that provide services to the public. 

This Guide provides brief summaries of the applicable laws. It is not intended to be a comprehensive resource on all possible legal obligations.  Users of this technical assistance guide should anticipate the need to uphold these obligations while addressing resource and service limitations.

Last Modified: Friday, 13-Jul-2007 20:19:35 EDT