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Arts Education in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools: 1999-2000
NCES: 2002131
May 2002

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Percent of public elementary schools offering instruction in various arts subjects by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 2: Percentage distribution of public elementary schools offering music instruction indicating how frequently a typical student received instruction designated specifically for music and average number of minutes per class period by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 3: Percentage distribution of public elementary schools offering music instruction according to the total number of hours that a typical student received instruction during the school year and average hours per school year by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 4: Percent of public elementary schools offering music instruction according to the position of the person(s) who provided the instruction by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 5: Percentage distribution of public elementary schools offering music instruction according to the space used for teaching the subject by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 6: Percent of public elementary schools offering music instruction according to the availability of a district curriculum guide in music by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 7: Percent of public elementary schools reporting various kinds of music instruction by the earliest grade at which the instruction was offered and the Percent of students enrolled Academic year 1998-99

  • Table 8: Percentage distribution of public elementary schools offering visual arts instruction indicating how frequently a typical student received instruction designated specifically for visual arts and average number of minutes per class period by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 9: Percentage distribution of public elementary schools offering visual arts instruction according to the total number of hours that a typical student received instruction during the school year and average hours per school year by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 10: Percent of public elementary schools offering visual arts instruction according to the position of the person(s) who provided the instruction by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 11: Percentage distribution of public elementary schools offering visual arts instruction according to the space used for teaching the subject by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 12: Percent of public elementary schools offering visual arts instruction according to the availability of a district curriculum guide in visual arts by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 13: Percent of public elementary schools offering instruction in dance and dramatheatre by various program characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 14: Percent of public elementary schools that sponsored various supplemental arts education programs by school characteristics Academic year 1998-99

  • Table 15: Percent of public elementary schools that used various funding sources for supplemental arts education programs Academic year 1998-99

  • Table 16: Percent of public elementary schools in which arts education was included in the mission statement or school improvement plan or that were engaged in some reform initiative involving the arts by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 17: Percent of public elementary schools indicating that arts specialists have input in selected management issues related to arts instruction by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 18: Percent of public elementary schools indicating various ways that arts programs and instruction are assessed and the presence of a district-level arts coordinator by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 19: Percent of public elementary school principals indicating the extent to which they believe individuals at the school and parents consider the arts an essential part of a high-quality education by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 20: Percent of public secondary schools offering instruction in various arts subjects by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 21: Percentage distribution of public secondary schools offering music instruction according to the number of different music courses taught by school characteristics Academic year 1998-99

  • Table 22: Percent of public secondary schools offering music instruction and reporting two or more full-time teachers on staff who taught music courses by school characteristics Academic year 1998-99

  • Table 23: Percentage distribution of public secondary schools offering music instruction according to the space used for teaching the subject by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 24: Percent of public secondary schools offering music instruction and receiving funds from non-district sources to fund the music program by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 25: Percentage distribution of public secondary schools offering visual arts instruction according to the number of different visual arts courses taught by school characteristics Academic year 1998-99

  • Table 26: Percent of public secondary schools offering visual arts instruction and reporting two or more full-time teachers on staff who taught visual arts courses by school characteristics Academic year 1998-99

  • Table 27: Percentage distribution of public secondary schools offering visual arts instruction according to the space used for teaching the subject by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 28: Percent and Percentage distribution of public secondary schools offering dance and dramatheatre instruction by various program characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 29: Percent of public secondary schools that sponsored various supplemental arts education programs by school characteristics Academic year 1998-99

  • Table 30: Percent of public secondary schools that used various funding sources for supplemental arts education programs Academic year 1998-99

  • Table 31: Percent of public secondary schools in which arts education was included in the mission statement or school improvement plan or that were engaged in some reform initiative involving the arts by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 32: Percent of public secondary schools indicating that arts specialists have input in selected management issues related to arts instruction by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 33: Percent of public secondary schools indicating various ways that arts programs and instruction are assessed and the presence of a district-level arts coordinator by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 34: Percent of public secondary school principals indicating the extent to which they believe individuals at the school and parents consider the arts an essential part of a high-quality education by school characteristics Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 35: Number and Percent of music specialists visual arts specialists and classroom teachers in public elementary schools by teaching status Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 36: Percentage distribution of public elementary school music specialists visual arts specialists and classroom teachers indicating their number of years of teaching experience both overall and in-field Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 37: Percentage distribution of public elementary school music specialists visual arts specialists and classroom teachers indicating the number of years they plan to continue teaching Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 38: Percent of public elementary school music specialists visual arts specialists and classroom teachers by degrees held Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 39: Percent of public elementary school music and visual arts specialists with a degree in-field and who majored in various fields of study for a bachelors or masters degree Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 40: Percent of public elementary school music specialists visual arts specialists and classroom teachers by the types of teaching certificates held Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 41: Percent of public elementary school music specialists visual arts specialists and classroom teachers indicating the number of hours spent in various professional development activities in the last 12 months by content area Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 42: Percentage distribution of public elementary school music and visual arts specialists by the number of schools at which they teach Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 43: Means for various indicators of teaching load for public elementary school music and visual arts specialists Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 44: Percentage distribution of public elementary school music and visual arts specialists indicating how adequate are various aspects of their schools arts programs in support of their instruction Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 45: Percentage distribution of public elementary school music and visual arts specialists reporting frequency of participation in various collaborative activities related to arts instruction within the last 12 months Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 46: Percentage distribution of public elementary school music specialists visual arts specialists and classroom teachers reporting frequency of participation in various collaborative activities related to teaching within the last 12 months Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 47: Percentage distribution of public elementary school music and visual arts specialists indicating the degree to which they agree with various statements about how instruction in music and visual arts is viewed at their schools Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 48: Percent of public elementary school music specialists visual arts specialists and classroom teachers reporting various characteristics of the arts curriculum that is taught at their schools Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 49: Percentage distribution of public elementary school classroom teachers according to the extent to which they included the arts in their instruction by type of activity Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 50: Percentage distribution of public elementary school music specialists reporting the degree to which they emphasize various goals or objectives of student learning Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 51: Percentage distribution of public elementary school visual arts specialists reporting the degree to which they emphasize various goals or objectives of student learning Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 52: Percentage distribution of public elementary school music specialists visual arts specialists and classroom teachers reporting the extent to which they use various types of assessments in their arts instruction Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 53: Percentage distribution of public elementary music specialists reporting the extent to which they participate in various activities related to music outside of their regular school duties by type of activity Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 54: Percentage distribution of public elementary visual arts specialists reporting the extent to which they participate in activities related to visual arts outside of school duties by type of activity Academic year 1999-2000

  • Table 55: Percentage distribution of public elementary classroom teachers reporting the extent to which they participate in activities related to the arts outside of school duties by type of activity Academic year 1999-2000
