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BRFSS Annual Survey Data

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Summary Data Quality Reports

2000 BRFSS Summary Data Quality Report

This report provides selected statistical indicators of data quality in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The report presents data on four types of measures by state1:

(1) Outcome measures, including response rates, which are based on disposition codes.

(2) Selection biases with respect to gender, age, and race/ethnicity.

(3) Missing values on income.

(4) Sampling frame coverage.

The target audiences for this report are researchers and other analysts who will be presenting results from BRFSS data. The measures in this report are designed to document the quality of BRFSS data.2 "Data quality" in this report refers to the accuracy of BRFSS data.

Although data quality can be indicated by outcome measures, selection biases, and missing values, it is also affected by the sampling frame used. The BRFSS sampling frame includes more household telephone numbers than are usually included in telephone survey designs. Although the differences are small nationwide, the magnitude of the differences vary by state. Thus, this report will also include tables documenting the additional coverage of the target population coming from the more inclusive telephone sampling frame used in the BRFSS.

Outcome Measures

The factors affecting the distribution of disposition codes by state may be grouped into differences in telephone systems, sample designs, surveyed populations, and data collection processes. Different outcome measures are variously affected by differences in these factors. Ideally, outcome measures that are used as indicators of data quality would be affected only by characteristics of the surveyed populations and data collection processes. Characteristics of telephone systems and sample designs would have no effect. In practice, outcome measures, including response rates, can be affected by characteristics of telephone systems and sample designs. These extraneous (with respect to data quality) influences should be taken into account in any interpretation of the results.

Among the data collection processes affecting outcome measures is the accuracy of the disposition code assignments. Outcome measures are only as valid as the accuracy of the disposition code assignments. The accuracy of disposition code assignments should also be taken into account in any interpretation of the results.

Table 1 presents the frequency distributions of individual disposition codes by state. The percent completes by state is the Efficiency Rate.

Table 2 presents brief definitions of each disposition code.

Table 3 presents median BRFSS Cooperation Rates by state from 1996 to 2000. The categories used in the calculations of the outcome rates in Tables 3 and 4 are defined below.

Categories of Case Outcomes

Category Disposition Code Definition Format in Formulas
Completed Interview 01 COIN
Eligible and able to complete interview 01+02+07+09 Elig HH
Unknown Eligibility 04+10 Unknown
Ineligible or unable to complete interview 03+05+06+08+11 Ineligible

The BRFSS Cooperation Rate is an outcome rate with the number of completes in the numerator and the number of eligible respondents who are capable of completing the survey in the denominator.3 Records indicating a respondent who does not speak English—or in some states, English or Spanish—or a respondent with a physical or mental impairment are excluded from the denominator. The denominator of the Cooperation Rate consists of records with disposition codes of 01, 02, 07, or 09. Thus, the formula for the BRFSS Cooperation Rate is

Formula: the number of completed interviews divided by the number of eligible households.

Table 4 presents median BRFSS CASRO (Council of American Survey Research Organizations) Rates from 1996 to 2000. A response rate is an outcome rate with the number of completes in the numerator and an estimate of the number of eligible units in the sample in the denominator. The BRFSS CASRO Rate calculation treats telephone numbers used by someone aged 18 years or older who speaks English—or in some states, English or Spanish—well enough to complete the interview and with no physical or mental impairment that prevents completion of the interview as eligible units. These are records with disposition codes of 01, 02, 07, or 09. Added to this total is an estimate of the number of households among the records whose eligibility is undetermined. These are records with disposition codes of 04 or 10. The BRFSS CASRO Rate calculation assumes that the unresolved numbers contain the same percentage of eligible households as the records whose eligibility or ineligibility are determined. Thus, the formula for the BRFSS CASRO Rate is

Formula: The numerator of the BRFSS CASRO Rate is the number of completed interviews.  Its denominator consists of the sum of eligible households and the estimated proportion of cases of unknown eligibility that are eligible.  The estimated proportion of cases of unknown eligibility that are eligible is determined by multiplying the cases of unknown eligibility by a factor calculating the proportion of cases of determined eligibility that are eligible and can be interviewed.  This factor is calculated by dividing the number of eligible households by the sum of the eligible households and the ineligible cases..

A response rate is an indicator of the potential for bias in the results of a survey. It does not indicate the actual amount of bias. The actual amount of bias can be conceptualized as a function of two factors—the amount of non-response, which is measured by a response rate, and the differences between the responders and the non-responders. A response rate does not address the latter factor. Thus, a survey with a low response rate but very little difference between responders and non-responders will have results with only a small amount of bias whereas a survey with a relatively high response rate but a large difference between responders and non-responders will have results with a large amount of bias. These considerations should be taken into account in any interpretation of the CASRO Rates.

Figure 1 presents median BRFSS CASRO, Cooperation, and Efficiency Rates from 1996 to 2000.

Table 5 presents frequency distributions of individual household disposition codes by state. The percent completes by state may be termed the Household Completion Rate. It is the percent of completes among identified households. Of special interest here are the dispositions 06, 08, and 11—those treated as ineligible households in the Cooperation and CASRO rate calculations. To the extent that telephone numbers actually ringing into eligible households have been inaccurately dispositioned as ringing into ineligible households, the Cooperation and CASRO rates will be artificially inflated. Disposition code 06 should only be assigned to telephone numbers ringing into households with no one aged 18 or over to teen phones which no one aged 18 or over will use. Disposition codes 08 and 11 should be assigned as defined in Table 2. In cases where the sum of dispositions 06, 08, and 11 is deemed excessive, the Household Completion Rate may be treated as an alternative measure of data quality.

Table 6 presents frequency distributions of individual disposition codes by state for listed household telephone numbers.4 These distributions may be less subject to the influences of characteristics of the telephone systems and of sample designs than the distributions of all sample records. By definition, all of these numbers were listed household numbers at one time. While states will differ in the extent to which these numbers will have changed status since being listed, the resulting differences should be smaller than the differences among numbers that began with different statuses. Thus, the percent of completes among listed household numbers may be considered an alternative measure of data quality.

Selection Biases

Tables 7 through 14 present data on the differences between BRFSS and population data with respect to gender, age, and race/ethnicity by state. In these tables, BRFSS data are weighted for the characteristics of the sample design—disproportionate sampling by geographic and density strata (where they exist), number of telephones, and number of adults in the household.5 Because these factors are built into the sample design, they should be adjusted for before comparing survey distributions to population distributions. No definitive standards exist with respect to what constitutes a substantial difference between survey and population percentages. One approach would be to examine the distribution of discrepant values with the purpose of identifying extreme values, or outliers, which may indicate biased data.

Income Missing Values

Table 15 presents the percent missing (Don’t know/Not sure or Refused or either) income by state. Income is the variable in the survey data with the largest percentage of missing values. A larger percentage of missing values for income implies lower quality data for income and, by extension, for other variables.

Sampling Frame

Table 16 presents data on the weighted percent of completes in the final BRFSS by density stratum by state.

"Density stratum" refers to whether a telephone number is in a zero block or a one-plus block. Hundred blocks are sets of 100 telephone numbers with the same area code, prefix, first two digits of the suffix, and all possible combinations of the last two digits. Commercial sample providers have access to databases of all telephone numbers available to be assigned by a telephone company and of listed household telephone numbers. Thus, they can determine the number of listed household telephone numbers for each hundred block of telephone numbers available to be assigned by a telephone company. "Zero blocks" are hundred blocks with no listed household numbers. "One-Plus blocks" are hundred blocks with one or more listed household numbers.

Zero block numbers are excluded from most telephone survey samples. Their inclusion in the BRFSS is a net addition to the response rate relative to the target population. In other words, a given response rate in a BRFSS survey actually reflects less non-response relative to the target population than the same response rate from a survey that excludes zero block numbers because the BRFSS sampling frame contains less non-coverage. For many states, the estimates in Table 16 understate the additional coverage provided by zero block numbers because the Household Completion Rate is frequently substantially smaller among zero block numbers than among one-plus block numbers and there is currently no explicit adjustment for these differences in the BRFSS weights. Table 17 presents data on the percent of households and the Household Completion Rate, weighted for probability of selection, by density stratum and state. The weighted percent of households suggests that the weighted percent of completes in zero blocks in the final BRFSS data set would be substantially larger in some states if the Household Completion Rates were equal in both sets of strata.

The weighted percent of completes from zero block numbers is (an understated) measure of the additional coverage provided by the BRFSS sampling frame compared to typical telephone survey sampling frames.

Table 1. BRFSS Call Dispositions, Frequency Distribution by State, 2000
State 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
AK 2083 5.8% 1177 3.3% 23686 65.9% 1772 4.9% 3450 9.6% 45 0.1%
AL 2242 15.5% 1125 7.8% 6676 46.1% 817 5.6% 2234 15.4% 101 0.7%
AR 3006 11.7% 2782 10.8% 14116 54.9% 1159 4.5% 3564 13.9% 35 0.1%
AZ 2680 10.5% 1264 5.0% 13574 53.3% 1693 6.7% 3917 15.4% 205 0.8%
CA 3907 11.0% 2565 7.2% 16128 45.4% 2951 8.3% 6944 19.6% 127 0.4%
CO 3058 13.2% 1330 5.7% 12311 53.0% 806 3.5% 4615 19.8% 116 0.5%
CT 3915 8.7% 5004 11.2% 20634 46.0% 5285 11.8% 8236 18.4% 65 0.1%
DC 1716 6.7% 828 3.2% 10982 42.6% 2600 10.1% 7597 29.4% 5 0.0%
DE 2759 9.8% 1561 5.6% 16537 59.0% 1968 7.0% 3603 12.8% 540 1.9%
FL 5202 10.3% 3942 7.8% 21985 43.6% 4825 9.6% 10274 20.4% 603 1.2%
GA 4114 11.5% 3305 9.3% 17429 48.8% 1963 5.5% 6439 18.0% 98 0.3%
HI 6016 10.7% 2393 4.3% 36180 64.6% 2526 4.5% 5850 10.4% 1958 3.5%
IA 3611 10.9% 1261 3.8% 22133 66.8% 1226 3.7% 3374 10.2% 8 0.0%
ID 4978 10.9% 4150 9.1% 26410 58.0% 2048 4.5% 6144 13.5% 45 0.1%
IL 3793 11.0% 3229 9.3% 19640 56.8% 408 1.2% 6158 17.8% 91 0.3%
IN 2923 11.9% 2969 12.1% 12818 52.1% 1249 5.1% 3598 14.6% 23 0.1%
KS 4237 10.3% 3560 8.6% 25191 61.1% 1755 4.3% 5275 12.8% 117 0.3%
KY 6417 14.0% 2300 5.0% 28795 62.9% 627 1.4% 4819 10.5% 219 0.5%
LA 5011 12.4% 1770 4.4% 19940 49.5% 4080 10.1% 6532 16.2% 98 0.2%
MA 8149 7.4% 11390 10.4% 52088 47.6% 11601 10.6% 20369 18.6% 135 0.1%
MD 4594 8.5% 5589 10.3% 25305 46.6% 6547 12.0% 9690 17.8% 89 0.2%
ME 4601 11.0% 2824 6.7% 25663 61.2% 2858 6.8% 4359 10.4% 208 0.5%
MI 2606 10.8% 2629 10.9% 11002 45.7% 1904 7.9% 3802 15.8% 313 1.3%
MN 2854 29.0% 366 3.7% 3379 34.4% 1081 11.0% 1404 14.3% 135 1.4%
MO 4387 11.6% 2292 6.0% 23158 61.1% 1613 4.3% 4559 12.0% 59 0.2%
MS 2183 15.8% 1163 8.4% 6767 49.1% 631 4.6% 2295 16.6% 30 0.2%
MT 3020 10.6% 694 2.4% 20950 73.5% 533 1.9% 2597 9.1% 101 0.4%
NC 3016 17.0% 1069 6.0% 8644 48.7% 1004 5.7% 3059 17.2% 65 0.4%
ND 1918 7.8% 1431 5.8% 17081 69.4% 1066 4.3% 2438 9.9% 23 0.1%
NE 3096 11.7% 889 3.4% 17775 67.3% 256 1.0% 3192 12.1% 103 0.4%
NH 1958 10.0% 1465 7.5% 10615 54.0% 1219 6.2% 3302 16.8% 64 0.3%
NJ 3779 7.3% 5682 11.0% 20790 40.1% 8469 16.3% 9715 18.8% 176 0.3%
NM 3248 13.5% 1626 6.8% 11875 49.5% 1684 7.0% 3929 16.4% 129 0.5%
NV 2102 11.0% 888 4.6% 10525 54.9% 2047 10.7% 3018 15.7% 32 0.2%
NY 3361 9.1% 4605 12.4% 15326 41.4% 4808 13.0% 6793 18.4% 41 0.1%
OH 3256 8.8% 4693 12.7% 16347 44.2% 3980 10.8% 6499 17.6% 26 0.1%
OK 3686 15.4% 1642 6.9% 14818 61.8% 969 4.0% 2353 9.8% 73 0.3%
OR 3746 10.5% 4099 11.5% 17868 50.1% 2126 6.0% 6240 17.5% 36 0.1%
PA 3537 10.7% 4041 12.2% 16133 48.8% 2391 7.2% 5286 16.0% 44 0.1%
PR 4206 21.9% 281 1.5% 9173 47.8% 1762 9.2% 1963 10.2% 9 0.0%
RI 3544 8.4% 4545 10.7% 22694 53.5% 3827 9.0% 5785 13.6% 63 0.1%
SC 3314 9.4% 4229 12.0% 16842 47.9% 3071 8.7% 6126 17.4% 68 0.2%
SD 4999 10.8% 2363 5.1% 32928 71.1% 1335 2.9% 3820 8.2% 84 0.2%
TN 3038 16.3% 1889 10.2% 9910 53.3% 1387 7.5% 2040 11.0% 69 0.4%
TX 5018 8.3% 6600 10.9% 32151 53.2% 3809 6.3% 9535 15.8% 84 0.1%
UT 2891 13.8% 703 3.3% 12859 61.2% 1359 6.5% 2052 9.8% 17 0.1%
VA 1996 14.1% 1098 7.8% 6682 47.2% 730 5.2% 2445 17.3% 48 0.3%
VT 3630 8.1% 2646 5.9% 30588 68.0% 2534 5.6% 4697 10.4% 65 0.1%
WA 3584 10.4% 2825 8.2% 16660 48.3% 2433 7.1% 6274 18.2% 263 0.8%
WI 2721 14.2% 1937 10.1% 9134 47.6% 1521 7.9% 3466 18.1% 199 1.0%
WV 2354 20.2% 900 7.7% 5775 49.6% 616 5.3% 1417 12.2% 26 0.2%
WY 2390 12.9% 1268 6.8% 10963 59.1% 780 4.2% 2595 14.0% 24 0.1%
Cumulative 184450 136876 927633 121709 259737 7400
Median 3337.5 10.9%% 2296 7.6% 16598.5 52.5% 1758.5 6.3% 4144 15.6% 71 0.2%

Table 1.  (continued)
State 7 8 9 10 11 Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number
AK 498 1.4% 57 0.2% 14 0.0% 3110 8.7% 54 0.2% 35,946
AL 712 4.9% 19 0.1% 70 0.5% 375 2.6% 124 0.9% 14,495
AR 623 2.4% 59 0.2% 71 0.3% 123 0.5% 162 0.6% 25,700
AZ 1618 6.4% 162 0.6% 16 0.1% 228 0.9% 88 0.3% 25,445
CA 900 2.5% 994 2.8% 318 0.9% 347 1.0% 316 0.9% 35,497
CO 634 2.7% 66 0.3% 9 0.0% 89 0.4% 216 0.9% 23,250
CT 756 1.7% 276 0.6% 136 0.3% 383 0.9% 160 0.4% 44,850
DC 1480 5.7% 139 0.5% 37 0.1% 322 1.2% 93 0.4% 25,799
DE 972 3.5% 68 0.2% 37 0.1% 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 28,050
FL 1777 3.5% 207 0.4% 198 0.4% 819 1.6% 568 1.1% 50,400
GA 1387 3.9% 194 0.5% 125 0.4% 305 0.9% 327 0.9% 35,686
HI 0 0.0% 594 1.1% 76 0.1% 112 0.2% 343 0.6% 56,048
IA 1100 3.3% 75 0.2% 18 0.1% 115 0.3% 228 0.7% 33,149
ID 1006 2.2% 206 0.5% 158 0.3% 262 0.6% 143 0.3% 45,550
IL 864 2.5% 152 0.4% 27 0.1% 1 0.0% 237 0.7% 34,600
IN 612 2.5% 73 0.3% 51 0.2% 170 0.7% 114 0.5% 24,600
KS 616 1.5% 32 0.1% 27 0.1% 361 0.9% 79 0.2% 41,250
KY 1846 4.0% 82 0.2% 14 0.0% 22 0.0% 665 1.5% 45,806
LA 1860 4.6% 94 0.2% 171 0.4% 277 0.7% 464 1.2% 40,297
MA 1638 1.5% 924 0.8% 367 0.3% 2422 2.2% 363 0.3% 109,446
MD 933 1.7% 248 0.5% 126 0.2% 1090 2.0% 139 0.3% 54,350
ME 751 1.8% 35 0.1% 85 0.2% 333 0.8% 195 0.5% 41,912
MI 562 2.3% 86 0.4% 76 0.3% 1017 4.2% 103 0.4% 24,100
MN 445 4.5% 55 0.6% 10 0.1% 51 0.5% 49 0.5% 9,829
MO 1283 3.4% 28 0.1% 79 0.2% 250 0.7% 189 0.5% 37,897
MS 442 3.2% 25 0.2% 48 0.3% 53 0.4% 157 1.1% 13,794
MT 403 1.4% 13 0.0% 11 0.0% 11 0.0% 167 0.6% 28,500
NC 679 3.8% 91 0.5% 22 0.1% 38 0.2% 60 0.3% 17,747
ND 242 1.0% 16 0.1% 41 0.2% 272 1.1% 72 0.3% 24,600
NE 898 3.4% 35 0.1% 9 0.0% 73 0.3% 71 0.3% 26,397
NH 591 3.0% 42 0.2% 29 0.1% 247 1.3% 118 0.6% 19,650
NJ 1001 1.9% 510 1.0% 170 0.3% 1342 2.6% 166 0.3% 51,800
NM 798 3.3% 18 0.1% 59 0.2% 516 2.2% 112 0.5% 23,994
NV 69 0.4% 245 1.3% 2 0.0% 191 1.0% 68 0.4% 19,187
NY 701 1.9% 721 1.9% 133 0.4% 357 1.0% 154 0.4% 37,000
OH 822 2.2% 61 0.2% 103 0.3% 1010 2.7% 160 0.4% 36,957
OK 332 1.4% 6 0.0% 11 0.0% 30 0.1% 50 0.2% 23,970
OR 978 2.7% 86 0.2% 54 0.2% 307 0.9% 160 0.4% 35,700
PA 1015 3.1% 96 0.3% 72 0.2% 266 0.8% 169 0.5% 33,050
PR 1258 6.6% 24 0.1% 28 0.1% 236 1.2% 249 1.3% 19,189
RI 705 1.7% 281 0.7% 161 0.4% 619 1.5% 176 0.4% 42,400
SC 738 2.1% 78 0.2% 171 0.5% 274 0.8% 217 0.6% 35,128
SD 511 1.1% 37 0.1% 43 0.1% 136 0.3% 78 0.2% 46,334
TN 89 0.5% 48 0.3% 8 0.0% 10 0.1% 94 0.5% 18,582
TX 2146 3.6% 125 0.2% 116 0.2% 582 1.0% 234 0.4% 60,400
UT 421 2.0% 89 0.4% 13 0.1% 532 2.5% 63 0.3% 20,999
VA 467 3.3% 219 1.5% 9 0.1% 316 2.2% 138 1.0% 14,148
VT 425 0.9% 33 0.1% 83 0.2% 121 0.3% 128 0.3% 44,950
WA 824 2.4% 297 0.9% 97 0.3% 1007 2.9% 236 0.7% 34,500
WI 44 0.2% 52 0.3% 42 0.2% 0 0.0% 80 0.4% 19,196
WV 361 3.1% 2 0.0% 6 0.1% 72 0.6% 121 1.0% 11,650
WY 334 1.8% 23 0.1% 31 0.2% 84 0.5% 58 0.3% 18,550
Cumulative 42167 8198 3888 21286 8980 1,722,324
Median 725 2.5% 76.5 0.3% 49.5 0.2% 264 0.8% 148.5 0.5% 33,100

Table 2. Summary of 2000 BRFSS Disposition Rules

Code Rule

01 Completed interview (questions asked through age, race, and sex)

Give final disposition.

02 Refused interview

Give final disposition after second refusal or when a first-time refusal will not be called a second time

03 Nonworking number

Usually recognized by a recording or fast-busy signal. Includes "number changed" recordings and numbers that "bridge." Call operator or repair service when in doubt. Give final disposition.

04 Ring no answer

A normal telephone ring which no one answers (answering machines do not count as an answer) to be given final disposition only after (1) 5 calling occasions (each consisting of 3 attempts), and (2) the 5 occasions have a mixture of weekday, weeknight, and weekend calls. If possible, contact the phone company repair service to verify the number is in service.

05 Not a private residence

The person answering identifies the telephone number as a business or says "no" when asked, "Is this a private residence?" Also use this disposition for institutions (government offices, educational facilities, dormitories, nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, etc.), group homes (fraternities and sororities, half-way houses, shelters, etc.), pagers, fax machines, and computer modems. Give final disposition.

06 No eligible respondent at this number

The household does not include anyone 18 years of age or older (this does not mean the adults are away temporarily). Give final disposition.

07 Selected respondent not available during the interviewing period

The selected respondent will not be available or could not be reached during the time you have allotted for the month's interviewing. Give final disposition only when respondent's unavailability is certain or when the same calling requirements for ring-no-answers and busies have been met.

08 Language barrier

The selected respondent does not speak English well enough to be interviewed, and there is not a translated questionnaire and interviewer available for the respective language. Give final disposition.

09 Interview terminated within questionnaire

A "hang up" at some point after the first question has been asked (this does not mean the respondent refused a particular question). Make another attempt to complete questionnaire. Give final disposition if second attempt unsuccessful. If after a second attempt the respondent has completed the interview at least through the age, race, and sex questions, recode as a completed interview.

10 Line busy

To be given final disposition only after (1) 5 calling occasions (each consisting of 3 attempts at > 10 minute intervals), and (2) the 5 occasions have a mixture of weekday, weeknight, and weekend calls. If possible, contact the phone company repair service to verify the number is in service.

11 Respondent unable to communicate due to physical or mental impairment

Example: respondent is deaf. Give final disposition

Table 3. BRFSS Cooperation Rate, By State, 1996–2000
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
State Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
AK 64.9 61.9 59.8 64.0 55.2
AL 74.0 64.4 57.4 56.7 54.0
AR 68.0 71.9 73.5 49.5 46.4
AZ 77.2 84.6 70.3 56.7 48.0
CA 61.3 54.0 68.2 69.2 50.8
CO 78.5 69.3 68.4 67.5 60.8
CT 67.4 66.0 65.0 55.0 39.9
DC 69.0 72.5 68.5 56.2 42.3
DE 76.7 73.0 69.2 60.9 51.8
FL 62.1 54.5 39.8 41.0 46.8
GA 92.3 82.5 55.8 55.8 46.1
HI 57.9 66.4 61.6 70.9
IA 80.2 73.4 69.0 63.2 60.3
ID 64.8 63.4 62.6 55.0 48.4
IL 48.6 49.7 55.4 54.0 47.9
IN 74.9 64.5 55.7 53.0 44.6
KS 86.8 87.2 78.9 69.6 50.2
KY 69.0 73.5 68.3 66.9 60.7
LA 68.2 69.7 67.3 57.1 56.9
MA 60.9 56.9 58.6 49.7 37.8
MD 56.2 63.5 58.1 51.1 40.9
ME 69.2 66.9 70.0 69.1 55.7
MI 57.3 52.2 51.7 47.0 44.4
MN 83.6 86.0 85.6 85.9 77.7
MO 62.8 58.3 61.3 61.9 54.6
MS 73.9 72.0 67.0 66.6 56.9
MT 80.2 77.0 77.5 76.2 73.2
NC 73.2 68.0 66.3 65.3 63.0
ND 88.1 83.7 81.5 78.5 52.8
NE 76.8 67.9 69.2 69.6 63.3
NH 65.7 57.7 53.5 51.3 48.4
NJ 61.2 59.3 61.3 49.3 35.5
NM 67.0 69.3 68.8 67.0 56.7
NV 82.8 79.0 68.7 72.0 68.7
NY 53.9 57.2 61.6 50.6 38.2
OH 78.5 62.7 57.1 54.2 36.7
OK 73.6 72.6 66.4 62.0 65.0
OR 58.8 57.6 48.5 44.6 42.2
PA 67.6 63.8 63.2 54.5 40.8
PR 92.4 84.8 77.4 72.9
RI 63.1 59.9 63.1 53.2 39.6
SC 72.9 76.8 68.1 54.6 39.2
SD 80.4 73.8 73.9 73.1 63.2
TN 70.3 67.1 63.9 67.1 60.5
TX 64.6 58.8 44.2 39.3 36.2
UT 84.2 76.5 73.5 72.6 71.8
VA 65.5 64.6 64.7 57.4 55.9
VT 77.9 77.0 78.3 68.6 53.5
WA 58.6 57.3 53.6 56.0 48.9
WI 70.9 71.5 69.7 63.4 57.4
WV 74.9 68.2 67.4 69.1 65.0
WY 73.2 68.0 65.7 61.2 59.4
Median 69.8 67.9 66.4 61.1 53.2
Maximum 92.3 92.4 85.6 85.9 77.7
Minimum 48.6 49.7 39.8 39.3 35.5

Table 4. BRFSS CASRO Response Rates, by State, 1996–2000
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
State Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
AK 62.9 59.5 50.1 57.1 47.7
AL 69.1 59.6 53.5 53.1 49.6
AR 62.5 65.9 65.0 46.8 44.1
AZ 67.1 72.5 59.6 47.7 44.4
CA 47.9 48.2 57.2 58.1 46.1
CO 74.4 62.5 66.2 65.3 58.4
CT 60.4 60.7 56.6 49.6 34.9
DC 64.1 67.8 60.9 47.8 37.5
DE 63.5 59.8 60.9 54.5 48.1
FL 55.8 49.4 32.5 37.0 41.5
GA 87.1 76.8 49.0 51.7 43.1
HI 41.3 55.2 55.9 67.6
IA 74.9 69.4 66.2 60.6 57.8
ID 59.6 59.0 59.4 52.0 45.9
IL 45.6 44.2 53.6 53.0 47.4
IN 73.2 62.8 52.4 49.2 42.0
KS 77.5 75.1 75.1 66.3 47.6
KY 65.5 69.6 64.9 65.2 59.8
LA 62.7 63.8 54.8 53.2 50.7
MA 56.6 50.4 49.8 42.7 33.0
MD 54.6 54.9 54.4 47.4 35.1
ME 66.0 66.1 66.9 65.7 51.5
MI 54.6 49.6 48.1 42.7 39.0
MN 73.6 77.9 75.7 80.8 68.7
MO 59.5 54.2 52.0 59.0 51.9
MS 71.3 67.4 61.6 63.4 54.1
MT 76.5 72.6 68.9 73.2 71.8
NC 59.3 64.4 61.7 60.3 59.3
ND 85.6 79.3 73.4 75.7 49.9
NE 68.0 61.6 56.9 64.0 62.5
NH 59.3 51.4 42.5 46.7 44.8
NJ 52.4 51.0 50.7 41.5 28.8
NM 61.2 62.5 65.1 62.4 51.5
NV 75.9 71.8 59.9 61.5 60.7
NY 50.6 51.6 52.2 45.0 32.9
OH 74.4 61.7 51.9 48.8 31.7
OK 72.8 72.3 60.7 58.2 62.3
OR 55.4 53.1 45.6 41.9 39.3
PA 61.8 58.2 56.4 48.6 37.5
PR 88.9 76.7 69.5 65.3
RI 59.4 54.7 55.5 47.4 35.4
SC 60.9 58.8 59.2 49.6 35.5
SD 76.8 70.0 65.0 71.0 61.1
TN 62.5 60.1 50.1 60.1 55.9
TX 52.8 45.7 41.2 36.2 33.5
UT 77.6 71.9 61.8 65.5 65.3
VA 61.2 59.6 60.2 52.7 51.8
VT 71.6 71.5 73.2 64.8 50.3
WA 53.7 52.3 49.3 50.3 44.0
WI 69.6 69.7 67.0 60.0 52.8
WV 71.8 65.9 58.9 65.2 61.2
WY 67.7 63.4 62.1 57.5 56.6
Median 63.2 62.1 59.1 55.2 48.9
Maximum 87.1 88.9 76.7 80.8 71.8
Minimum 45.6 41.3 32.5 36.2 28.8

Figure 1. Median BRFSS Cooperation, CASRO, and Efficiency Rates: 1996-2000

Chart showing the median rates for Cooperation, CASRO, and Efficiency

Table 5. BRFSS Household Dispositions, Frequency Distribution by State, 2000


1 2 6
Number % Number % Number %
AK 2083 53.0% 1177 30.0% 45 1.1%
AL 2242 51.0% 1125 25.6% 101 2.3%
AR 3006 44.6% 2782 41.3% 35 0.5%
AZ 2680 44.4% 1264 21.0% 205 3.4%
CA 3907 42.8% 2565 28.1% 127 1.4%
CO 3058 56.3% 1330 24.5% 116 2.1%
CT 3915 38.0% 5004 48.5% 65 0.6%
DC 1716 39.9% 828 19.3% 5 0.1%
DE 2759 46.4% 1561 26.3% 540 9.1%
FL 5202 41.6% 3942 31.5% 603 4.8%
GA 4114 43.1% 3305 34.6% 98 1.0%
HI 6016 52.9% 2393 21.0% 1958 17.2%
IA 3611 57.3% 1261 20.0% 8 0.1%
ID 4978 46.6% 4150 38.8% 45 0.4%
IL 3793 45.2% 3229 38.5% 91 1.1%
IN 2923 43.2% 2969 43.9% 23 0.3%
KS 4237 48.9% 3560 41.1% 117 1.3%
KY 6417 55.6% 2300 19.9% 219 1.9%
LA 5011 52.9% 1770 18.7% 98 1.0%
MA 8149 35.5% 11390 49.6% 135 0.6%
MD 4594 39.2% 5589 47.7% 89 0.8%
ME 4601 52.9% 2824 32.5% 208 2.4%
MI 2606 40.9% 2629 41.2% 313 4.9%
MN 2854 72.9% 366 9.4% 135 3.4%
MO 4387 52.7% 2292 27.6% 59 0.7%
MS 2183 53.9% 1163 28.7% 30 0.7%
MT 3020 68.5% 694 15.7% 101 2.3%
NC 3016 60.3% 1069 21.4% 65 1.3%
ND 1918 51.2% 1431 38.2% 23 0.6%
NE 3096 60.7% 889 17.4% 103 2.0%
NH 1958 45.9% 1465 34.3% 64 1.5%
NJ 3779 32.9% 5682 49.5% 176 1.5%
NM 3248 54.2% 1626 27.1% 129 2.2%
NV 2102 61.7% 888 26.1% 32 0.9%
NY 3361 34.6% 4605 47.4% 41 0.4%
OH 3256 35.7% 4693 51.5% 26 0.3%
OK 3686 63.6% 1642 28.3% 73 1.3%
OR 3746 40.9% 4099 44.8% 36 0.4%
PA 3537 39.4% 4041 45.0% 44 0.5%
PR 4206 69.5% 281 4.6% 9 0.1%
RI 3544 37.4% 4545 48.0% 63 0.7%
SC 3314 37.6% 4229 48.0% 68 0.8%
SD 4999 61.6% 2363 29.1% 84 1.0%
TN 3038 58.0% 1889 36.1% 69 1.3%
TX 5018 35.0% 6600 46.1% 84 0.6%
UT 2891 68.9% 703 16.8% 17 0.4%
VA 1996 50.2% 1098 27.6% 48 1.2%
VT 3630 51.8% 2646 37.7% 65 0.9%
WA 3584 44.1% 2825 34.8% 263 3.2%
WI 2721 53.6% 1937 38.2% 199 3.9%
WV 2354 62.4% 900 23.9% 26 0.7%
WY 2390 57.9% 1268 30.7% 24 0.6%
Cumulative 184450 136876 7400
Median 3337.5 50.6% 2296 31.1% 71 1.0%

Table 5. (continued)
State 7 8 9 11 Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number
AK 498 12.7% 57 1.5% 14 0.4% 54 1.4% 3,928
AL 712 16.2% 19 0.4% 70 1.6% 124 2.8% 4,393
AR 623 9.2% 59 0.9% 71 1.1% 162 2.4% 6,738
AZ 1618 26.8% 162 2.7% 16 0.3% 88 1.5% 6,033
CA 900 9.9% 994 10.9% 318 3.5% 316 3.5% 9,127
CO 634 11.7% 66 1.2% 9 0.2% 216 4.0% 5,429
CT 756 7.3% 276 2.7% 136 1.3% 160 1.6% 10,312
DC 1480 34.4% 139 3.2% 37 0.9% 93 2.2% 4,298
DE 972 16.4% 68 1.1% 37 0.6% 5 0.1% 5,942
FL 1777 14.2% 207 1.7% 198 1.6% 568 4.5% 12,497
GA 1387 14.5% 194 2.0% 125 1.3% 327 3.4% 9,550
HI 0 0.0% 594 5.2% 76 0.7% 343 3.0% 11,380
IA 1100 17.5% 75 1.2% 18 0.3% 228 3.6% 6,301
ID 1006 9.4% 206 1.9% 158 1.5% 143 1.3% 10,686
IL 864 10.3% 152 1.8% 27 0.3% 237 2.8% 8,393
IN 612 9.0% 73 1.1% 51 0.8% 114 1.7% 6,765
KS 616 7.1% 32 0.4% 27 0.3% 79 0.9% 8,668
KY 1846 16.0% 82 0.7% 14 0.1% 665 5.8% 11,543
LA 1860 19.6% 94 1.0% 171 1.8% 464 4.9% 9,468
MA 1638 7.1% 924 4.0% 367 1.6% 363 1.6% 22,966
MD 933 8.0% 248 2.1% 126 1.1% 139 1.2% 11,718
ME 751 8.6% 35 0.4% 85 1.0% 195 2.2% 8,699
MI 562 8.8% 86 1.3% 76 1.2% 103 1.6% 6,375
MN 445 11.4% 55 1.4% 10 0.3% 49 1.3% 3,914
MO 1283 15.4% 28 0.3% 79 0.9% 189 2.3% 8,317
MS 442 10.9% 25 0.6% 48 1.2% 157 3.9% 4,048
MT 403 9.1% 13 0.3% 11 0.2% 167 3.8% 4,409
NC 679 13.6% 91 1.8% 22 0.4% 60 1.2% 5,002
ND 242 6.5% 16 0.4% 41 1.1% 72 1.9% 3,743
NE 898 17.6% 35 0.7% 9 0.2% 71 1.4% 5,101
NH 591 13.9% 42 1.0% 29 0.7% 118 2.8% 4,267
NJ 1001 8.7% 510 4.4% 170 1.5% 166 1.4% 11,484
NM 798 13.3% 18 0.3% 59 1.0% 112 1.9% 5,990
NV 69 2.0% 245 7.2% 2 0.1% 68 2.0% 3,406
NY 701 7.2% 721 7.4% 133 1.4% 154 1.6% 9,716
OH 822 9.0% 61 0.7% 103 1.1% 160 1.8% 9,121
OK 332 5.7% 6 0.1% 11 0.2% 50 0.9% 5,800
OR 978 10.7% 86 0.9% 54 0.6% 160 1.7% 9,159
PA 1015 11.3% 96 1.1% 72 0.8% 169 1.9% 8,974
PR 1258 20.8% 24 0.4% 28 0.5% 249 4.1% 6,055
RI 705 7.4% 281 3.0% 161 1.7% 176 1.9% 9,475
SC 738 8.4% 78 0.9% 171 1.9% 217 2.5% 8,815
SD 511 6.3% 37 0.5% 43 0.5% 78 1.0% 8,115
TN 89 1.7% 48 0.9% 8 0.2% 94 1.8% 5,235
TX 2146 15.0% 125 0.9% 116 0.8% 234 1.6% 14,323
UT 421 10.0% 89 2.1% 13 0.3% 63 1.5% 4,197
VA 467 11.7% 219 5.5% 9 0.2% 138 3.5% 3,975
VT 425 6.1% 33 0.5% 83 1.2% 128 1.8% 7,010
WA 824 10.1% 297 3.7% 97 1.2% 236 2.9% 8,126
WI 44 0.9% 52 1.0% 42 0.8% 80 1.6% 5,075
WV 361 9.6% 2 0.1% 6 0.2% 121 3.2% 3,770
WY 334 8.1% 23 0.6% 31 0.8% 58 1.4% 4,128
Cumulative 42167 8198 3888 8980 391,959
Median 725 9.9% 76.5 1.1% 49.5 0.8% 148.5 1.9% 6,704

Table 6. BRFSS Call Dispositions, Listed Telephone Numbers, Frequency Distribution by State, 2000*
State 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
AK 1328 35.3% 725 19.3% 765 20.4% 221 5.9% 291 7.7% 20 0.5%
AL 1495 38.7% 773 20.0% 564 14.6% 232 6.0% 211 5.5% 46 1.2%
AR 2085 33.4% 1994 32.0% 918 14.7% 324 5.2% 301 4.8% 21 0.3%
AZ 1396 26.8% 577 11.1% 1372 26.3% 446 8.6% 370 7.1% 105 2.0%
CA 1844 27.2% 1191 17.6% 1519 22.4% 560 8.3% 515 7.6% 44 0.6%
CO 1917 38.9% 827 16.8% 842 17.1% 299 6.1% 429 8.7% 56 1.1%
CT 2429 24.1% 3301 32.8% 1390 13.8% 1470 14.6% 622 6.2% 25 0.2%
DC 839 31.0% 378 13.9% 452 16.7% 123 4.5% 205 7.6% 2 0.1%
DE 1744 33.7% 958 18.5% 588 11.4% 621 12.0% 360 7.0% 316 6.1%
FL 3086 23.3% 2372 17.9% 2691 20.3% 1746 13.2% 1414 10.7% 336 2.5%
GA 2551 30.0% 1995 23.4% 1539 18.1% 502 5.9% 725 8.5% 53 0.6%
HI 3340 35.4% 1147 12.2% 2324 24.6% 747 7.9% 510 5.4% 804 8.5%
IA 2809 43.5% 981 15.2% 993 15.4% 410 6.3% 220 3.4% 4 0.1%
ID 3567 34.7% 3003 29.2% 1618 15.7% 543 5.3% 506 4.9% 22 0.2%
IL 2207 36.3% 1748 28.7% 1002 16.5% 103 1.7% 309 5.1% 34 0.6%
IN 2001 33.2% 2038 33.8% 844 14.0% 295 4.9% 305 5.1% 11 0.2%
KS 3015 36.5% 2468 29.9% 1328 16.1% 451 5.5% 474 5.7% 50 0.6%
KY 4463 42.1% 1547 14.6% 2066 19.5% 194 1.8% 560 5.3% 110 1.0%
LA 3249 32.0% 1208 11.9% 1743 17.1% 1525 15.0% 697 6.9% 53 0.5%
MA 4812 22.9% 7164 34.0% 2632 12.5% 3108 14.8% 1308 6.2% 54 0.3%
MD 2755 25.2% 3275 30.0% 1389 12.7% 1789 16.4% 827 7.6% 42 0.4%
ME 3557 35.1% 2190 21.6% 1467 14.5% 1343 13.3% 607 6.0% 159 1.6%
MI 1625 31.4% 1629 31.5% 695 13.5% 437 8.5% 244 4.7% 77 1.5%
MO 3030 38.8% 1583 20.3% 1214 15.5% 449 5.8% 420 5.4% 35 0.4%
MS 1535 39.2% 828 21.2% 630 16.1% 189 4.8% 298 7.6% 10 0.3%
MT 2178 47.3% 503 10.9% 951 20.7% 218 4.7% 277 6.0% 54 1.2%
NC 1914 43.4% 688 15.6% 725 16.4% 309 7.0% 250 5.7% 32 0.7%
ND 1485 36.2% 1117 27.2% 685 16.7% 304 7.4% 195 4.7% 14 0.3%
NE 2241 46.4% 624 12.9% 998 20.7% 52 1.1% 288 6.0% 69 1.4%
NH 1410 31.6% 1070 24.0% 518 11.6% 470 10.5% 369 8.3% 39 0.9%
NJ 1941 20.4% 2874 30.2% 1221 12.8% 1760 18.5% 720 7.6% 37 0.4%
NM 1976 36.9% 984 18.4% 985 18.4% 475 8.9% 273 5.1% 70 1.3%
NV 752 30.2% 300 12.1% 349 14.0% 390 15.7% 524 21.1% 10 0.4%
NY 1949 22.5% 2707 31.3% 1253 14.5% 1266 14.6% 536 6.2% 24 0.3%
OH 1929 21.9% 2934 33.3% 1372 15.6% 1414 16.0% 483 5.5% 18 0.2%
OK 2468 45.9% 1071 19.9% 1103 20.5% 263 4.9% 181 3.4% 34 0.6%
OR 2192 29.3% 2454 32.8% 1180 15.8% 439 5.9% 478 6.4% 20 0.3%
PA 2224 30.7% 2574 35.5% 653 9.0% 495 6.8% 453 6.3% 22 0.3%
RI 2131 24.3% 2902 33.1% 1192 13.6% 1148 13.1% 503 5.7% 41 0.5%
SC 2064 23.1% 2752 30.8% 1690 18.9% 976 10.9% 618 6.9% 44 0.5%
SD 3821 45.9% 1792 21.5% 1545 18.5% 347 4.2% 327 3.9% 45 0.5%
TN 1919 41.5% 1176 25.4% 809 17.5% 355 7.7% 174 3.8% 39 0.8%
TX 2834 24.1% 3776 32.1% 2103 17.9% 795 6.8% 806 6.9% 51 0.4%
UT 1857 49.1% 447 11.8% 736 19.5% 246 6.5% 139 3.7% 8 0.2%
VA 1267 38.3% 720 21.8% 419 12.7% 149 4.5% 190 5.7% 22 0.7%
VT 2781 33.0% 2043 24.3% 1293 15.4% 1105 13.1% 611 7.3% 45 0.5%
WA 2194 31.8% 1665 24.2% 1275 18.5% 542 7.9% 369 5.4% 71 1.0%
WV 1773 50.2% 681 19.3% 368 10.4% 216 6.1% 122 3.5% 14 0.4%
WY 1730 42.6% 922 22.7% 679 16.7% 185 4.6% 237 5.8% 9 0.2%
Cumulative 111,709 84,676 56,687 32,046 21,851 3,321
Median 2,085 33.7% 1,547 21.8% 1,103 16.1% 446 6.8% 370 6.0% 39 0.5%

Table 6. (continued)
State 7 8 9 10 11 Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number
AK 275 7.3% 29 0.8% 9 0.2% 57 1.5% 38 1.0% 3,758
AL 377 9.8% 9 0.2% 41 1.1% 14 0.4% 97 2.5% 3,859
AR 391 6.3% 26 0.4% 39 0.6% 15 0.2% 126 2.0% 6,240
AZ 795 15.3% 59 1.1% 11 0.2% 29 0.6% 53 1.0% 5,213
CA 389 5.7% 404 6.0% 139 2.0% 9 0.1% 168 2.5% 6,782
CO 346 7.0% 29 0.6% 5 0.1% 19 0.4% 155 3.1% 4,924
CT 448 4.5% 160 1.6% 85 0.8% 11 0.1% 117 1.2% 10,058
DC 566 20.9% 68 2.5% 18 0.7% 7 0.3% 52 1.9% 2,710
DE 522 10.1% 35 0.7% 29 0.6% 0 0.0% 2 0.0% 5,175
FL 934 7.0% 88 0.7% 120 0.9% 90 0.7% 384 2.9% 13,261
GA 701 8.2% 98 1.2% 77 0.9% 40 0.5% 231 2.7% 8,512
HI 0 0.0% 313 3.3% 28 0.3% 13 0.1% 209 2.2% 9,435
IA 797 12.3% 41 0.6% 15 0.2% 12 0.2% 179 2.8% 6,461
ID 662 6.4% 104 1.0% 113 1.1% 40 0.4% 114 1.1% 10,292
IL 432 7.1% 71 1.2% 12 0.2% 0 0.0% 164 2.7% 6,082
IN 370 6.1% 39 0.6% 29 0.5% 20 0.3% 79 1.3% 6,031
KS 347 4.2% 14 0.2% 18 0.2% 39 0.5% 56 0.7% 8,260
KY 1094 10.3% 46 0.4% 9 0.1% 10 0.1% 496 4.7% 10,595
LA 1122 11.0% 52 0.5% 113 1.1% 60 0.6% 344 3.4% 10,166
MA 1023 4.9% 486 2.3% 215 1.0% 10 0.0% 242 1.1% 21,054
MD 532 4.9% 134 1.2% 67 0.6% 3 0.0% 105 1.0% 10,918
ME 547 5.4% 26 0.3% 63 0.6% 17 0.2% 159 1.6% 10,135
MI 296 5.7% 45 0.9% 41 0.8% 6 0.1% 72 1.4% 5,167
MO 822 10.5% 17 0.2% 47 0.6% 42 0.5% 149 1.9% 7,808
MS 258 6.6% 18 0.5% 27 0.7% 5 0.1% 116 3.0% 3,914
MT 273 5.9% 9 0.2% 9 0.2% 4 0.1% 128 2.8% 4,604
NC 398 9.0% 37 0.8% 11 0.2% 3 0.1% 43 1.0% 4,410
ND 181 4.4% 14 0.3% 32 0.8% 14 0.3% 66 1.6% 4,107
NE 481 10.0% 17 0.4% 8 0.2% 1 0.0% 47 1.0% 4,826
NH 411 9.2% 25 0.6% 24 0.5% 24 0.5% 96 2.2% 4,456
NJ 501 5.3% 268 2.8% 74 0.8% 9 0.1% 103 1.1% 9,508
NM 446 8.3% 5 0.1% 29 0.5% 30 0.6% 81 1.5% 5,354
NV 25 1.0% 64 2.6% 1 0.0% 38 1.5% 35 1.4% 2,488
NY 385 4.5% 367 4.2% 63 0.7% 5 0.1% 90 1.0% 8,645
OH 475 5.4% 29 0.3% 46 0.5% 11 0.1% 110 1.2% 8,821
OK 203 3.8% 2 0.0% 7 0.1% 10 0.2% 30 0.6% 5,372
OR 519 6.9% 47 0.6% 31 0.4% 25 0.3% 99 1.3% 7,484
PA 561 7.7% 53 0.7% 42 0.6% 40 0.6% 128 1.8% 7,245
RI 460 5.3% 153 1.7% 98 1.1% 6 0.1% 125 1.4% 8,759
SC 448 5.0% 41 0.5% 107 1.2% 32 0.4% 151 1.7% 8,923
SD 330 4.0% 20 0.2% 28 0.3% 16 0.2% 60 0.7% 8,331
TN 56 1.2% 27 0.6% 6 0.1% 1 0.0% 66 1.4% 4,628
TX 1048 8.9% 61 0.5% 57 0.5% 55 0.5% 163 1.4% 11,749
UT 234 6.2% 36 1.0% 7 0.2% 22 0.6% 47 1.2% 3,779
VA 269 8.1% 121 3.7% 7 0.2% 41 1.2% 102 3.1% 3,307
VT 332 3.9% 24 0.3% 69 0.8% 7 0.1% 111 1.3% 8,421
WA 414 6.0% 127 1.8% 58 0.8% 21 0.3% 156 2.3% 6,892
WV 250 7.1% 1 0.0% 5 0.1% 12 0.3% 92 2.6% 3,534
WY 214 5.3% 11 0.3% 24 0.6% 12 0.3% 41 1.0% 4,064
Cumulative 22,960 3,970 2,213 1,007 6,077 346,517
Median 414 6.3% 41 0.6% 29 0.6% 14 0.3% 105 1.4% 6,461
* Minnesota, Puerto Rico, and Wisconsin are excluded.

Table 7. Percentage of Females in BRFSS and Population Data by State, 2000
State BRFSS Percent Population Percent Difference
Tennessee 66.88 52.55 14.33
South Dakota 60.64 51.41 9.23
New Hampshire 60.24 51.54 8.70
North Carolina 60.77 52.18 8.59
Arizona 59.60 51.19 8.40
Missouri 60.76 52.50 8.26
Kansas 59.76 51.61 8.15
Louisiana 60.73 52.63 8.10
Maryland 59.92 52.16 7.76
Georgia 59.72 52.06 7.66
Alabama 60.49 52.84 7.65
New Jersey 59.91 52.33 7.58
Mississippi 60.51 52.96 7.55
Texas 58.71 51.35 7.36
Arkansas 59.74 52.55 7.20
Connecticut 59.20 52.24 6.96
Ohio 59.49 52.57 6.92
Puerto Rico 59.65 52.92 6.73
California 57.07 50.38 6.69
Nebraska 58.53 51.90 6.63
Iowa 58.58 52.22 6.35
Idaho 57.32 50.99 6.32
New York 58.95 52.76 6.18
Rhode Island 58.93 52.78 6.15
Kentucky 58.42 52.31 6.11
Oregon 57.53 51.45 6.09
Florida 58.31 52.23 6.08
Washington 57.10 51.05 6.04
Massachusetts 58.64 52.61 6.03
South Carolina 58.34 52.33 6.01
Wyoming 56.49 50.57 5.92
Montana 56.91 51.19 5.72
District Of Columbia 59.61 54.01 5.60
Indiana 57.79 52.22 5.58
North Dakota 56.24 50.67 5.57
Delaware 57.81 52.29 5.52
Colorado 56.45 51.01 5.44
Illinois 57.24 52.07 5.17
Pennsylvania 57.92 52.81 5.10
West Virginia 57.83 52.77 5.07
Maine 56.91 51.95 4.96
Vermont 56.23 51.69 4.55
Alaska 52.09 47.89 4.19
Hawaii 53.33 49.45 3.88
Michigan 55.94 52.11 3.83
Virginia 55.35 51.56 3.79
Oklahoma 55.83 52.10 3.73
Utah 54.76 51.22 3.54
Minnesota 54.58 51.50 3.08
Wisconsin 54.59 51.71 2.88
New Mexico 51.42 51.46 -0.03
Nevada 48.42 49.69 -1.27
Median 58.33 52.09 6.09

Table 8. Percentage of People Aged 18–24 In BRFSS And Population Data by State, 2000
State BRFSS Percent Population Percent Difference
Utah 19.71 15.80 3.92
Nevada 13.38 10.95 2.42
Idaho 14.51 12.90 1.61
District Of Columbia 13.48 12.74 0.74
Colorado 12.48 11.97 0.51
Florida 10.28 9.80 0.48
California 12.94 12.51 0.43
Alaska 13.23 12.95 0.28
Wyoming 12.47 12.23 0.24
Oregon 11.71 11.64 0.07
Texas 13.60 13.53 0.07
Louisiana 13.97 13.95 0.01
Washington 11.58 12.00 -0.42
North Dakota 13.64 14.27 -0.62
Kansas 12.39 13.03 -0.64
Nebraska 12.25 12.91 -0.66
Arizona 11.99 12.66 -0.67
New York 11.20 11.87 -0.67
Maryland 10.79 11.56 -0.77
Hawaii 11.12 12.10 -0.98
Michigan 11.98 13.11 -1.14
New Mexico 11.60 12.76 -1.16
Oklahoma 11.79 12.95 -1.16
Delaware 11.91 13.24 -1.33
Illinois 11.29 12.63 -1.33
Montana 10.60 11.98 -1.38
Missouri 11.04 12.46 -1.43
New Jersey 9.44 10.95 -1.51
Connecticut 9.62 11.32 -1.71
Minnesota 10.50 12.25 -1.74
Arkansas 10.70 12.69 -1.99
Pennsylvania 10.08 12.15 -2.07
South Dakota 10.96 13.16 -2.21
Ohio 10.49 12.78 -2.29
South Carolina 11.61 13.90 -2.29
North Carolina 10.99 13.33 -2.33
Tennessee 10.38 12.73 -2.36
Rhode Island 10.59 13.13 -2.55
West Virginia 9.94 12.51 -2.58
Alabama 10.76 13.43 -2.67
Georgia 10.62 13.37 -2.75
Massachusetts 10.00 12.75 -2.75
Kentucky 10.25 13.12 -2.87
Mississippi 11.71 14.76 -3.05
Iowa 10.06 13.15 -3.09
Virginia 9.59 12.88 -3.29
Vermont 10.41 13.90 -3.48
Indiana 9.78 13.46 -3.68
Maine 7.57 12.44 -4.87
Puerto Rico 11.73 17.28 -5.56
Wisconsin 6.91 12.82 -5.91
New Hampshire 6.79 12.75 -5.95
Median 11.08 12.77 -1.41

Table 9. Percentage of People Aged 25–34 in BRFSS and Population Data by State, 2000
State BRFSS Percent Population Percent Difference
District Of Columbia 25.44 19.78 5.66
Arizona 23.27 19.03 4.24
Oregon 21.13 17.30 3.83
Nevada 21.94 18.65 3.29
California 23.23 20.24 3.00
Massachusetts 20.91 18.23 2.68
Connecticut 20.05 17.53 2.53
New York 20.88 18.41 2.47
Utah 21.99 19.88 2.10
Idaho 19.85 17.88 1.97
Washington 20.20 18.31 1.88
Illinois 20.43 18.57 1.86
Indiana 19.51 17.74 1.77
Texas 22.37 20.64 1.73
New Jersey 19.50 18.02 1.48
Virginia 20.47 19.24 1.24
Georgia 21.26 20.02 1.23
Ohio 18.89 17.65 1.23
South Carolina 20.04 18.86 1.18
Wisconsin 18.74 17.73 1.01
Colorado 20.32 19.33 0.99
West Virginia 17.46 16.51 0.95
Tennessee 18.90 17.99 0.91
Kansas 18.85 17.97 0.87
Maryland 19.95 19.11 0.84
Rhode Island 17.82 17.21 0.62
Vermont 17.71 17.15 0.56
Minnesota 19.62 19.11 0.51
Missouri 18.19 17.75 0.44
Florida 17.50 17.17 0.33
Pennsylvania 16.88 16.74 0.14
Michigan 18.32 18.25 0.07
Hawaii 18.96 19.16 -0.20
Maine 16.95 17.16 -0.21
Delaware 17.93 18.29 -0.35
North Carolina 18.02 18.51 -0.49
Nebraska 17.06 17.68 -0.63
Oklahoma 17.20 17.84 -0.65
New Hampshire 17.93 18.61 -0.68
Louisiana 18.51 19.28 -0.77
Arkansas 16.57 17.58 -1.01
Montana 15.45 16.86 -1.41
Alabama 16.86 18.29 -1.43
Wyoming 16.69 18.12 -1.43
Iowa 15.40 16.85 -1.45
Mississippi 17.41 18.88 -1.46
North Dakota 15.85 17.69 -1.84
Alaska 20.12 22.00 -1.88
South Dakota 15.78 17.73 -1.95
Kentucky 15.81 17.81 -2.00
New Mexico 15.90 19.51 -3.61
Puerto Rico 15.62 22.13 -6.51
Median 18.80 18.24 0.59

Table 10. Percentage of People Aged 35–44 in BRFSS and Population Data by State, 2000
State BRFSS Percent Population Percent Difference
New Hampshire 27.28 22.13 5.14
Virginia 26.21 22.00 4.21
New Jersey 25.09 21.35 3.74
Wisconsin 24.23 20.87 3.37
New York 24.26 21.14 3.12
Iowa 22.14 19.29 2.85
South Dakota 22.64 19.96 2.68
Pennsylvania 22.38 19.88 2.50
Rhode Island 23.44 20.97 2.47
Connecticut 23.99 21.59 2.41
Mississippi 22.03 19.75 2.28
Ohio 22.69 20.45 2.24
Illinois 23.40 21.22 2.18
Massachusetts 23.28 21.16 2.12
Minnesota 23.33 21.24 2.09
Indiana 22.51 20.46 2.04
Alabama 21.69 19.87 1.82
North Dakota 21.77 20.04 1.72
Idaho 22.22 20.64 1.58
Florida 20.85 19.35 1.50
Hawaii 22.38 20.92 1.46
Missouri 21.71 20.35 1.36
Delaware 22.00 20.89 1.11
South Carolina 21.71 20.65 1.06
West Virginia 19.78 18.73 1.05
Wyoming 22.98 21.94 1.04
Tennessee 21.51 20.49 1.03
Georgia 23.05 22.05 1.00
Maine 22.01 21.07 0.94
Vermont 22.50 21.56 0.94
Montana 21.52 20.68 0.84
New Mexico 22.81 22.00 0.80
Kansas 21.60 20.82 0.78
Alaska 26.97 26.22 0.75
California 23.37 22.84 0.53
Washington 22.71 22.19 0.52
Arkansas 19.37 19.02 0.36
Oklahoma 20.30 19.98 0.33
North Carolina 20.93 20.65 0.29
Nebraska 20.35 20.29 0.06
Texas 21.52 21.74 -0.22
Michigan 20.60 21.00 -0.40
Maryland 22.33 22.77 -0.44
Kentucky 20.05 20.51 -0.45
Louisiana 20.45 20.96 -0.51
Puerto Rico 17.63 18.49 -0.86
Nevada 21.23 22.23 -0.99
Colorado 22.34 23.52 -1.17
Oregon 20.00 21.26 -1.26
District Of Columbia 19.09 21.86 -2.77
Utah 18.56 21.89 -3.33
Arizona 17.01 20.88 -3.87
Median 22.09 20.94 1.04

Table 11. Percentage of People Aged 45–54 in BRFSS and Population Data by State, 2000


BRFSS Percent Population Percent Difference
Puerto Rico 19.15 15.94 3.21
Pennsylvania 20.98 17.87 3.10
Montana 22.15 19.22 2.93
Wyoming 22.43 19.53 2.90
Alaska 21.92 19.15 2.77
Ohio 21.17 18.46 2.70
West Virginia 21.34 18.79 2.55
Maryland 21.52 19.07 2.45
Rhode Island 19.94 17.53 2.41
New Hampshire 21.05 18.81 2.24
Alabama 20.23 18.13 2.10
Mississippi 19.46 17.41 2.05
New Mexico 19.98 17.94 2.04
Wisconsin 20.21 18.31 1.90
Michigan 20.38 18.49 1.88
Maine 20.71 18.85 1.86
South Dakota 19.20 17.43 1.77
Tennessee 20.36 18.76 1.60
Colorado 20.32 18.82 1.50
Louisiana 19.29 17.79 1.50
Iowa 19.25 17.77 1.48
Vermont 20.52 19.09 1.43
Illinois 19.55 18.17 1.38
Kentucky 19.78 18.47 1.31
North Dakota 18.69 17.42 1.27
Texas 18.96 17.70 1.26
Hawaii 19.01 17.92 1.09
Missouri 18.92 17.86 1.06
Nebraska 19.04 17.98 1.06
South Carolina 19.28 18.42 0.86
Arkansas 18.36 17.59 0.78
Massachusetts 18.92 18.15 0.78
Kansas 18.43 17.66 0.77
Virginia 19.51 18.81 0.71
Georgia 19.06 18.48 0.58
North Carolina 18.83 18.31 0.52
Washington 19.30 19.11 0.19
Idaho 19.06 18.90 0.16
Indiana 18.58 18.42 0.16
Florida 16.80 16.79 0.01
Delaware 17.84 17.85 -0.01
Nevada 19.35 19.44 -0.09
Oregon 19.05 19.31 -0.26
Minnesota 18.01 18.38 -0.36
District Of Columbia 17.29 17.66 -0.37
New York 17.92 18.33 -0.41
Connecticut 18.38 18.99 -0.60
California 17.71 18.35 -0.64
Oklahoma 16.62 17.97 -1.35
New Jersey 17.39 18.77 -1.37
Utah 16.38 17.78 -1.40
Arizona 15.90 17.67 -1.77
Median 19.23 18.32 1.18

Table 12. Percentage of People Aged 55–64 in BRFSS and Population Data by State, 2000
State BRFSS Percent Population Percent Difference
Puerto Rico 15.54 11.64 3.90
Kentucky 15.52 12.37 3.15
Arkansas 15.74 12.73 3.01
Delaware 15.01 12.27 2.73
Mississippi 13.96 11.72 2.25
South Carolina 13.84 11.83 2.02
Oklahoma 14.40 12.47 1.93
New Mexico 13.44 11.67 1.77
North Dakota 12.82 11.24 1.57
South Dakota 12.99 11.55 1.44
Maine 13.53 12.16 1.37
Wisconsin 13.15 11.87 1.28
Vermont 13.16 11.94 1.21
North Carolina 13.39 12.23 1.16
Alabama 13.48 12.40 1.08
Louisiana 12.71 11.65 1.06
Minnesota 12.83 11.89 0.94
Tennessee 13.33 12.44 0.89
Iowa 13.10 12.23 0.87
Colorado 12.33 11.68 0.65
Michigan 12.75 12.11 0.64
Georgia 12.29 11.67 0.62
West Virginia 13.82 13.21 0.62
New Hampshire 12.43 11.83 0.60
Indiana 12.75 12.19 0.57
Rhode Island 12.09 11.53 0.56
Pennsylvania 13.32 12.79 0.53
Washington 12.26 11.98 0.28
Connecticut 12.67 12.43 0.25
Oregon 12.54 12.32 0.22
Utah 10.80 10.63 0.17
Kansas 11.78 11.63 0.15
Arizona 11.92 11.78 0.14
Virginia 11.92 11.81 0.12
Florida 12.93 12.82 0.11
Montana 12.63 12.53 0.10
Massachusetts 11.68 11.61 0.07
Illinois 12.02 12.08 -0.07
Maryland 11.77 12.01 -0.24
Missouri 12.17 12.49 -0.33
Wyoming 11.83 12.18 -0.35
Idaho 11.81 12.26 -0.44
Texas 10.92 11.37 -0.44
California 10.46 11.03 -0.57
New Jersey 11.95 12.64 -0.69
New York 11.64 12.39 -0.75
Nevada 11.51 12.64 -1.13
Nebraska 10.60 11.80 -1.20
District Of Columbia 10.53 11.93 -1.40
Ohio 10.94 12.37 -1.44
Hawaii 11.42 13.07 -1.65
Alaska 9.15 10.88 -1.74
Median 12.59 12.05 0.55

Table 13. Percentage of People Aged 65 or older in BRFSS and Population Data by State, 2000
State BRFSS Percent Population Percent Difference
Puerto Rico 20.34 14.52 5.82
Arizona 19.91 17.98 1.93
Nebraska 20.70 19.34 1.36
Maine 19.23 18.32 0.92
Oklahoma 19.69 18.79 0.89
Kentucky 18.58 17.73 0.85
North Carolina 17.83 16.97 0.85
Hawaii 17.11 16.84 0.27
New Mexico 16.27 16.12 0.15
Alaska 8.62 8.80 -0.18
Vermont 15.71 16.36 -0.65
Iowa 20.05 20.71 -0.66
Georgia 13.73 14.42 -0.68
Indiana 16.88 17.73 -0.85
Alabama 16.98 17.87 -0.90
Michigan 15.98 17.03 -1.06
Montana 17.65 18.73 -1.07
Missouri 17.98 19.08 -1.10
Arkansas 19.25 20.39 -1.14
Louisiana 15.08 16.37 -1.29
New Hampshire 14.51 15.87 -1.36
Minnesota 15.70 17.13 -1.43
Utah 12.56 14.02 -1.47
New Jersey 16.63 18.26 -1.64
Wisconsin 16.76 18.40 -1.64
South Dakota 18.44 20.17 -1.73
Maryland 13.64 15.48 -1.84
District Of Columbia 14.18 16.04 -1.86
Kansas 16.95 18.89 -1.94
Mississippi 15.42 17.48 -2.06
Tennessee 15.52 17.58 -2.06
North Dakota 17.23 19.33 -2.10
Delaware 15.31 17.46 -2.15
Texas 12.64 15.03 -2.39
Wyoming 13.60 16.00 -2.40
Florida 21.64 24.07 -2.43
Ohio 15.83 18.28 -2.45
Washington 13.95 16.41 -2.46
Colorado 12.21 14.68 -2.47
West Virginia 17.66 20.25 -2.59
Oregon 15.56 18.17 -2.61
California 12.28 15.04 -2.76
South Carolina 13.52 16.34 -2.83
Connecticut 15.28 18.15 -2.87
Massachusetts 15.21 18.10 -2.89
Virginia 12.29 15.27 -2.98
Nevada 12.60 16.10 -3.50
Rhode Island 16.12 19.62 -3.50
New York 14.10 17.86 -3.75
Illinois 13.31 17.33 -4.02
Pennsylvania 16.36 20.56 -4.20
Idaho 12.55 17.42 -4.88
Median 15.77 17.53 -1.79

Table 14. Percentage of White Non-Hispanic People in BRFSS and Population Data by State, 2000*
State BRFSS Percent Population Percent Difference
New York 71.51 66.83 4.68
Illinois 77.77 73.68 4.09
Maryland 69.51 65.43 4.08
South Carolina 74.07 70.63 3.44
Delaware 79.92 76.58 3.34
California 56.19 52.97 3.22
Alaska 77.49 74.56 2.93
Mississippi 68.15 65.48 2.67
Washington 86.51 84.59 1.92
Indiana 90.86 89.06 1.80
Utah 90.79 89.05 1.73
Ohio 88.36 86.70 1.66
South Dakota 92.78 91.52 1.27
Kentucky 92.59 91.82 0.77
Pennsylvania 88.11 87.37 0.75
Louisiana 66.93 66.23 0.70
Missouri 87.40 86.81 0.59
Nevada 73.08 72.49 0.58
Georgia 69.11 68.59 0.52
North Carolina 75.99 75.51 0.49
Oklahoma 82.52 82.05 0.48
Michigan 83.09 82.62 0.47
Kansas 88.34 87.90 0.44
Iowa 95.69 95.27 0.42
Minnesota 93.12 92.80 0.32
Arkansas 83.35 83.05 0.30
Hawaii 29.34 29.08 0.26
Virginia 73.99 73.76 0.23
Nebraska 90.85 90.68 0.18
Idaho 91.38 91.28 0.10
Tennessee 82.88 82.78 0.09
Montana 92.62 92.66 -0.05
North Dakota 93.98 94.10 -0.12
Texas 58.46 58.66 -0.20
Wyoming 91.51 91.75 -0.24
Florida 70.07 70.37 -0.30
District Of Columbia 32.22 32.65 -0.44
New Hampshire 96.06 96.71 -0.64
Arizona 71.01 71.69 -0.68
Wisconsin 90.48 91.28 -0.80
Alabama 73.52 74.47 -0.96
Vermont 96.54 97.75 -1.22
Maine 96.41 97.99 -1.58
New Mexico 49.90 51.50 -1.60
West Virginia 94.31 95.94 -1.63
Colorado 78.83 80.55 -1.72
Massachusetts 83.72 86.22 -2.50
Connecticut 79.70 82.49 -2.79
New Jersey 66.58 70.02 -3.44
Oregon 84.27 88.97 -4.70
Rhode Island 82.94 88.22 -5.28
Median 82.94 82.78 0.30
* Puerto Rico is excluded.

Table 15. Percentage of Respondents With Income Response "Unknown" (77), "Refused" (99), and Combined, by State, 2000
State Percent Don't Know/Not Sure Percent Refused Percent Combined
Tennessee 13.96 13.10 27.06
Kentucky 10.10 13.48 23.58
Montana 10.03 12.19 22.22
Kansas 7.10 13.52 20.63
Oklahoma 5.78 14.70 20.48
Arizona 5.97 12.84 18.81
Nebraska 6.69 12.11 18.80
Massachusetts 5.29 13.49 18.78
Connecticut 5.13 12.90 18.03
New Jersey 4.05 13.87 17.91
New York 5.36 11.13 16.48
Hawaii 9.01 7.45 16.46
Rhode Island 4.71 11.68 16.39
South Dakota 7.10 8.86 15.96
North Carolina 4.81 10.97 15.78
New Hampshire 3.93 11.49 15.42
Ohio 5.01 10.23 15.23
Delaware 4.86 10.37 15.22
Louisiana 7.18 7.88 15.07
North Dakota 5.32 9.70 15.02
Mississippi 8.34 6.64 14.98
Georgia 7.63 7.19 14.83
South Carolina 6.13 8.06 14.18
Puerto Rico 11.91 1.69 13.60
Maryland 4.22 9.36 13.58
Vermont 5.32 7.91 13.22
Missouri 4.63 8.53 13.15
Michigan 5.68 7.21 12.89
Virginia 6.51 5.96 12.47
Maine 5.32 7.04 12.37
District Of Columbia 6.29 6.06 12.35
Florida 5.86 6.29 12.15
Indiana 4.93 6.81 11.73
Illinois 4.67 6.93 11.60
Pennsylvania 4.27 7.24 11.51
Alabama 5.71 5.62 11.33
West Virginia 7.18 4.12 11.30
Texas 5.86 5.38 11.24
Washington 4.19 7.06 11.24
Iowa 5.26 5.68 10.94
Arkansas 5.62 5.22 10.84
Minnesota 5.32 5.04 10.36
Wisconsin 3.12 7.24 10.36
Utah 5.05 4.74 9.79
Nevada 3.14 6.09 9.23
New Mexico 5.23 3.79 9.02
Oregon 4.35 4.19 8.54
Colorado 4.02 4.38 8.40
Alaska 4.80 3.26 8.07
Idaho 3.82 4.10 7.91
Wyoming 3.51 3.72 7.24
California 2.53 4.63 7.17
Median 5.32 7.23 13.19

Table 16. Weighted* Percent of Surveys Complete, by State** and Density Stratum, 2000
  One-Plus Block Zero Block
Arizona 93.42 6.58
Alaska 94.52 5.48
Nevada 94.61 5.39
Nebraska 94.90 5.10
Michigan 95.55 4.45
Hawaii 95.78 4.22
North Carolina 95.89 4.11
Colorado 95.90 4.10
Virginia 96.08 3.92
Kansas 96.27 3.73
Georgia 96.35 3.65
Montana 96.37 3.63
Arkansas 96.48 3.52
Alabama 96.58 3.42
Florida 96.59 3.41
Oklahoma 96.72 3.28
Maryland 96.74 3.26
South Dakota 96.77 3.23
Utah 97.01 2.99
Oregon 97.02 2.98
South Carolina 97.05 2.95
Washington 97.13 2.87
Texas 97.40 2.60
Pennsylvania 97.48 2.52
Wyoming 97.57 2.43
Indiana 97.84 2.16
Illinois 97.88 2.12
New Mexico 97.90 2.10
California 97.93 2.07
Tennessee 98.02 1.98
Missouri 98.04 1.96
Delaware 98.15 1.85
Iowa 98.22 1.78
Louisiana 98.26 1.74
District Of Columbia 98.28 1.72
Kentucky 98.43 1.57
Mississippi 98.47 1.53
New York 98.54 1.46
New Jersey 98.55 1.45
North Dakota 98.59 1.41
New Hampshire 98.63 1.37
Vermont 98.69 1.31
Ohio 98.70 1.30
Idaho 98.75 1.25
West Virginia 98.80 1.20
Connecticut 98.86 1.14
Massachusetts 98.96 1.04
Rhode Island 99.02 0.98
Maine 99.69 0.31
Median 97.71 2.30
* Weighted by the BRFSS final weight.
** Minnesota, Puerto Rico, and Wisconsin are excluded because of an inapplicable sample design.

Table 17. Weighted* Percentage of Households and Household Survey Completion Rates, by State** and Density Stratum, 2000
State Weighted Percent of Households Household Completion Rate
  One-Plus Block Zero Block One-Plus Block Zero Block
Nebraska 88.01 11.99 61.89 25.60
Arizona 88.98 11.02 42.71 23.11
District Of Columbia 89.84 10.16 40.86 6.78
Washington 90.57 9.43 44.86 15.12
Alabama 90.63 9.37 52.01 13.51
Michigan 91.57 8.43 41.35 20.28
Alaska 93.10 6.90 51.67 45.80
Kansas 93.21 6.79 49.31 25.16
Georgia 94.74 5.26 42.15 33.64
North Carolina 94.84 5.16 60.47 47.76
Hawaii 95.07 4.93 52.97 47.11
Colorado 95.21 4.79 53.88 47.18
Montana 95.34 4.66 67.75 50.19
Kentucky 95.71 4.29 53.97 21.59
Utah 95.75 4.25 68.13 62.38
Oklahoma 95.79 4.21 63.71 49.21
Florida 95.86 4.14 41.58 40.33
South Dakota 96.00 4.00 61.72 50.00
Virginia 96.00 4.00 50.28 43.90
Nevada 96.07 3.93 58.54 71.50
Illinois 96.07 3.93 45.35 29.41
Arkansas 96.14 3.86 44.69 37.31
Delaware 96.16 3.84 45.43 23.16
Texas 96.40 3.60 35.09 29.55
Tennessee 96.43 3.57 58.26 33.33
California 96.67 3.33 42.85 34.62
Maryland 96.77 3.23 38.62 36.38
Oregon 96.88 3.12 40.89 42.47
South Carolina 96.93 3.07 37.59 37.68
Indiana 96.94 3.06 43.27 35.85
New Mexico 97.06 2.94 54.35 37.78
Pennsylvania 97.18 2.82 39.42 38.10
Louisiana 97.34 2.66 53.05 34.38
New Hampshire 97.42 2.58 46.03 25.00
Missouri 97.45 2.55 51.19 41.55
Ohio 97.54 2.46 36.73 22.36
Mississippi 97.57 2.43 54.11 24.00
Idaho 97.58 2.42 45.89 31.06
Iowa 97.71 2.29 57.55 49.93
Wyoming 97.72 2.28 57.85 66.67
North Dakota 97.79 2.21 51.32 38.10
New Jersey 97.90 2.10 32.93 27.87
New York 98.01 1.99 34.64 24.49
Massachusetts 98.54 1.46 35.32 28.10
Connecticut 98.58 1.42 37.99 32.43
Vermont 98.60 1.40 51.82 41.67
West Virginia 98.92 1.08 62.47 50.00
Rhode Island 98.92 1.08 37.66 37.74
Maine 99.19 0.81 54.33 23.70
Median 96.43 3.57 49.31 35.85
* Weighted by the stratum probability of selection.
** Minnesota, Puerto Rico, and Wisconsin are excluded because of an inapplicable sample design.

1 In this report, “state” includes the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
2 The measures in this report are at best only indirect indicators of the quality of the data collection effort or adherence to BRFSS protocols. The 2000 BRFSS Baseline Summary Quality Control Report presents measures more directly relevant to these latter concerns.
3 Whether or not such respondents are eligible is a matter of perspective. They are eligible in that they are part of the stated target population. They are not eligible in that they are not capable of completing an interview.
4 Listed household telephone numbers are identified by the sample provider. This table excludes Minnesota, Puerto Rico, and Wisconsin, for which listed household designations are not available.
5 These factors make up the variable _WT1 in the BRFSS SAS data sets.


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United States Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Adult and Community Health