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Home > Outreach > Promotional Resources > Appendix B: Important for Library Administrators
Appendix B: Important for Library Administrators PDF Print E-mail
Written on Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Last Updated on Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Article Index
Appendix B: Important for Library Administrators
From Chapter 1: LSCM Organization
From Chapter 2: Legal Requirements
From Chapter 3: Federal Depository Status
From Chapter 4: Public Services
From Chapter 5: Depository Collections
From Chapter 6: Technical Services
From Chapter 7: Public Access Assessments
From Chapter 8: Preservation
From Chapter 9: Housing
From Chapter 10: Staffing
From Chapter 11: Collaborative Efforts
From Chapter 12: Regional Services
From Chapter 13: Transitioning Depository Libraries
From Chapter 14: Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
From Chapter 15: Federal Libraries
All Pages

From Chapter 13: Transitioning Depository Libraries

No single depository can meet all potential community needs, especially in a digital environment. Frequent communication among neighboring depositories is encouraged. Depository collection development, promotional activities, and continuing education activities should be accomplished in conjunction with neighboring depositories.