April 26, 2006 


The world should be concerned that Iran continues to defy the U.N. Security Council’s calls to halt its nuclear program.  While claiming their uranium enrichment is for non-military applications, Iran increasingly touts their technical prowess in building weapons.  They now claim to have tested stealth missile technology, multiple warhead missiles, and rockets  that can reach Israel.

To ensure Iran does not trigger a nuclear arms race or allow nuclear weapons to fall into the hands of a terrorist network, the U.S. must apply political, diplomatic, and economic leverage to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.  Most Iranians disapprove of their government’s policies and there is growing momentum for change from within that country.

As Co-Chair of the Iran Working Group in the House of Representatives, I have supported increased broadcasting into Iran to aid this indigenous political change.  I have also introduced legislation, H.R. 4242, which would create a forum for Iranian nationals and dissidents to discuss opposition to Iran’s current policies.  Opening Iran to foreign broadcasts and increased political discussions will hasten change much like U.S. efforts in Eastern Europe at the end of the Cold War.

U.S. allies and foreign companies must also withdraw from working with Iran’s military and petroleum industry or suffer sanctions.  I have co-sponsored H.CON.RES 177, a concurrent resolution that would authorize an embargo on Iranian gasoline.  Economic pressure from rising gasoline prices would create political fallout aiding the forces of change.

Iran has threatened the U.S. with “harm and pain,” and declared that they will “wipe Israel off the map.”  We cannot let blind militant hatred have access to nuclear weapons.  I will continue my work within Congress and in the Iran Working Group to support those in Iran bravely fighting for change.

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