March 20, 2007

HELP Subcommittee Explores Solutions to National Healthcare Crisis

As chairman of the Health, Employment, Labor and Pension (HELP) Subcommittee, I held a hearing last week to explore innovative solutions to the country’s healthcare crisis.  Nearly 47 million Americans do not have health insurance and are struggling each day to get the healthcare that they need.  In this hearing, I proposed that to reduce the number of uninsured, the federal government should provide assistance to states so that employers and their workers can have the opportunity to buy into a public healthcare program, such as the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

Click here to watch a video of my hearing in the HELP Subcommittee.

Throughout this hearing we examined the problem of the uninsured, its causes and the problems it is creating for families, employers, states and the federal government. We listened to various approaches that state governments and Members of Congress are considering to address this crisis. These proposals range from requiring individuals to get coverage to establishing a subsidized purchasing arrangement for individuals and small businesses to buy into for affordable coverage.

The problem of the uninsured impacts every aspect of the health insurance spectrum.  Uninsured workers are being denied care. Middle-class families are struggling to pay skyrocketing premiums.  Employers are being forced to drop family coverage because they can no longer afford it for their employees.  As we move forward this year, my subcommittee will begin to examine real ways to address the rising cost of health insurance and to expand coverage for working families. 

Click here to watch a video of my hearing in the HELP Subcommittee.

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