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Chapter 6: Technical Services PDF Print E-mail
Written on Friday, November 21, 2008
Last Updated on Monday, December 29, 2008

Article Index
Chapter 6: Technical Services
6.1 What's New
6.2 Definition of Technical Services
6.3 Technical Service Functions
6.4 Depository Shipments
6.5 Shipping Lists
6.6 Receipt: Corrected Copies
6.7 Receipt: Duplicate Pubs and Shipments
6.8 Shortages in Shipments
6.9 Claiming Missing Pubs in Shipments
6.10 Cataloging Overview
6.11 Resources for Cataloging and Processing
6.12 Tips and Lessons Learned
6.13 You Don't Have to...
6.14 Important
All Pages

6.5 Shipping Lists

A depository shipping list is an itemized record of the contents of a complete depository shipment. Besides listing all the publications in a complete shipment, a shipping list also indicates the item numbers under which the publications were distributed, the titles and series numbers of the publications, and the SuDoc classification numbers. There are five sequential numbering schemes for the materials distributed from GPO: paper (P), microfiche (M), separates (S), and electronic publications (E). USGS ships maps directly from their distributor and provide their own shipping lists, which indicate the GPO item number, map title, and scale information.

GPO’s fiscal year begins on October 1 each year. The shipping list numbering sequence re-starts each October. As an example, the sequence of shipping list numbers for fiscal year 2007 is shown below:

Paper Microfiche Separates Electronic
2007-0001-P 2007-0001-M 2007-0001-S 2007-0001-E
2007-0002-P 2007-0002-M 2007-0002-S 2007-0002-E

The first four digits indicate the fiscal year; the next number is the sequential number of the shipping list, and the letter indicates the medium of the materials included on that shipping list.

A complete shipment contains all the items listed on one shipping list. Most selective depositories select only a percentage of the total items available and receive only those items that match their current selection profile. Selective depositories often receive several shipments, with their corresponding shipping lists, in a single shipment box. Every depository library receives a copy of each depository shipping list whether or not it selects any of the items listed.

In the event a shipping list is missing from a shipment box, the missing list may be acquired through various mechanisms:

Shipping lists need not be retained or maintained after they have been processed as a copy of the shipping list is archived at GPO. Many depository libraries find it useful, however, to retain the lists for approximately six months to ensure proper accounting of receipts.