January 31, 2007

Rep. Andrews Responds to State of the Union

In his recent State of the Union, President Bush failed to outline real solutions to the problems facing our nation.  In the first 100 legislative hours of the new Congress, I joined with the new majority to pass legislation that will implement the 9/11 Commission recommendations, raise the minimum wage, expand federal funding for stem cell research, require negotiation for lower prescription drug costs, make college more affordable, end subsidies to Big Oil, and invest in clean renewable energy.  I believe as many Americans do, that it is time to take our nation in a new direction.  It is my hope that the President will join with us to create real solutions to our nation’s challenges. 

The President’s plan for escalation in Iraq is a mistake.  It is vital that the U.S. win the war in Iraq, but increasing troop levels is not the way to accomplish this goal.  I have laid out a plan that would provide a negotiated solution to the civil war by turning over a portion of the country to the Iraqis.  As part of the House Armed Services Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, I will work to forge a solution to the Iraq war, and will hold the Bush Administration accountable for its actions.

I believe that the President’s healthcare proposal is wrong for our country because it will shift even more of the cost of health insurance onto working Americans.  It would end the tax benefit for employers that contribute to health insurance, which could unravel the entire employer-based health insurance system while providing no real alternative.  This plan is a step back, not a step forward.  As Chairman of the HELP Subcommittee, I will work to create real solutions to the ever-worsening healthcare crisis in this country. 

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