April 24, 2007

Rep. Andrews Statement on Supreme Court’s Late Term Abortion Ruling

I am extremely disappointed at the Supreme Court’s recent decision to uphold a federal law banning late term abortions.  I hold the Supreme Court in high regard, but I believe that this decision is a retreat from an established court precedent giving a woman a right to choose to protect her health.  No one ever wants to see a family have to face the difficult decision of ending a wanted pregnancy.  However, we should trust families and their doctors to make the best, safest choice of treatment for their situation.

I have heard many views on this issue and I understand the reasons why some people favor a ban on this procedure.  However, I do not believe that it is the role of the federal government to determine the outcome of a wanted pregnancy gone terribly wrong.  Banning this procedure, which is sometimes the safest abortion method for woman late in their pregnancy, brings politics and government into a personal tragedy.

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