July 19, 2006 


I strongly believe that the best way to protect Americans from terrorism is to provide the most homeland security funding to communities that face the greatest risk of terrorist attack and require the most federal financial assistance.  Currently, however, the Department of Homeland Security distributes funds to communities regardless of risk.  That is why I have sent a letter to Secretary Chertoff, also signed by other members of the New Jersey Congressional Delegation, asking him to provide security funding based on the threat a community faces.

It makes no sense for these funds to be distributed in any other way.  The 9/11 Commission included this finding in its 25th recommendation: “Homeland security assistance should be based strictly on an assessment of risks and vulnerabilities.”  The Commission went on to say “federal homeland security assistance should not remain a program for general revenue sharing.”

The announcement a few weeks ago by the FBI of a foiled plot by foreign terrorists to attack transportation systems in New York and New Jersey is a clear signal that our region is far more likely to be targeted by terrorists than other regions of the country.  As such, our region should receive more Homeland Security funding.

At a time when terrorists continue to target our most critical regions and infrastructure, our own Department of Homeland Security does not respond by allocating funds properly.  I will continue to fight to change this misguided practice.

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