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Tangible Copies of the Budget of the U.S. Government PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, January 10, 2008
Last Updated on Sunday, July 27, 2008

On January 9, 2008, Office of Management and Budget Director Jim Nussle announced that the Budget of the United States Government would be released in a web-only format for Fiscal Year 2009 on February 4th, 2008. Mr. Nussle cited the cost savings of such a move as the reason for the discontinuance of paper copies of the Budget.

GPO wishes to assure the members of the Federal Depository Library Program that we are committed to keeping the various Budget publications in printed format. To this end, OMB has agreed to provide GPO with files of the Budget documents that will be put to press for the purpose of dissemination to the public through the FDLP and Publication & Information Sales Program. We intend to ship these tangible copies of the Budget in conjunction with the February 4th internet release.

The FDLP received paper copies of the House document version of the President’s Budget of the United States FY2009 and accompanying volumes. These volumes are being classed under Y 1.1/7: and distributed to all libraries under item 1004-E. The "Departmental Edition" is only available online and will be classed under the PREX 2.8:. The CD-ROM version will be distributed as PREX 2.8/1:2009 under item no. 0853-C. All House document volumes and the CD-ROM will be assigned to shipping list no. 2008-0121-P.

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