July 26, 2006 


I was very disappointed that President Bush decided to veto HR 810, the Castle-DeGette Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act.  His veto weakens scientific progress, and dashes the hope of millions of Americans that could benefit from this research.  This bill would have expanded federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, while imposing strict ethical safeguards.  I am an original cosponsor of this bill because stem cell research has the potential to save countless lives.

I believe that there are profound ethical issues involved in embryonic stem cell research, but I also believe that the best way to regulate this research is to bring it under federal jurisdiction.  Additionally, I believe that the medical and scientific communities are currently dealing with these ethical issues in a responsible and professional manner.  I side with our nation’s doctors and scientists, including 180 Nobel Laureates that support expanded stem cell research. 

Stem cell research has the potential to benefit tens of millions of Americans suffering from numerous diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, MS, cancer, and spinal cord injuries.  I promise to keep fighting to expand embryonic stem cell research so that we can someday soon find cures for these diseases.  We should no longer delay scientific advancements that have the potential to save lives. 

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