One Hundred Eighth Congress


January 2003


State Delegations

Number which precedes name of Representative designates Congressional district.
Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independent in bold.


Dianne Feinstein (141K)

Barbara Boxer (141K)

[Republicans, 20; Democrats, 33]

1. Mike Thompson (141K) 28. Howard L. Berman (90K)
2. Wally Herger (141K) 29. Adam B. Schiff (90K)
3. Doug Ose (110K) 30. Henry A. Waxman (90K)
4. John T. Doolittle (110K) 31. Xavier Becerra (137K)
5. Robert T. Matsui (110K) 32. Hilda L. Solis (137K)
6. Lynn C. Woolsey (110K) 33. Diane E. Watson (137K)
7. George Miller (105K) 34. Lucille Roybal-Allard (137K)
8. Nancy Pelosi (105K) 35. Maxine Waters (131K)
9. Barbara Lee (105K) 36. Jane Harman (131K)
10. Ellen O. Tauscher (105K) 37. Juanita Millender-McDonald (131K)
11. Richard W. Pombo (112K) 38. Grace F. Napolitano (131K)
12. Tom Lantos (112K) 39. Linda T. Sánchez (103K)
13. Fortney Pete Stark (112K) 40. Edward R. Royce (103K)
14. Anna G. Eshoo (112K) 41. Jerry Lewis (103K)
15. Michael M. Honda (133K) 42. Gary G. Miller (103K)
16. Zoe Lofgren (133K) 43. Joe Baca (134K)
17. Sam Farr (133K) 44. Ken Calvert (134K)
18. Dennis A. Cardoza (133K) 45. Mary Bono (134K)
19. George Radanovich (147K) 46. Dana Rohrabacher (134K)
20. Calvin M. Dooley (147K) 47. Loretta Sanchez (135K)
21. Devin Nunes (147K) 48. Christopher Cox (135K)
22. William M. Thomas (147K) 49. Darrell E. Issa (135K)
23. Lois Capps (99K) 50. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (135K)
24. Elton Gallegly (99K) 51. Bob Filner (113K)
25. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (99K) 52. Duncan Hunter (113K)
26. David Dreier (99K) 53. Susan A. Davis (113K)
27. Brad Sherman (90K)  


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