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General Announcements

Latest News Articles

GPO Releases Report on Conditions of Regional Depository Libraries

Last year, at the request of the Joint Committee on Printing (JCP), GPO undertook a study of the organizational, financial, and technological conditions in regional depository libraries and their affect...

FDLP Desktop Re-launch

On Monday, January 12, 2009, the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) will re-launch the FDLP Desktop. Visitors to will see that the beta version has been replaced by the new design....

Ben's Guide Survey

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) is planning a redesign of Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids and has released two surveys in order to capture user feedback. One survey is geared toward kids...

2008 Comparison of Legislative Resources

A comparison of legislative resources available on GPO Access and other Government and non-Government Web sites was recently completed. Eight Web sites were selected for in-depth analysis including GPO...

Depository Directors Weigh in on the Value of their Depository

In August 2008, Ric Davis, the Acting Superintendent of Documents, sent a letter to all depository library directors, asking them to submit letters that describe the value users find in their depository...

FDLP Emblem or Signage Requirement

FDsys Beta Testing

OPAL for Everyone: Share Your Knowledge

FDLP and C&I Metrics - November 2008

WEBTech Notes May/June 2008 issue (Intermediate Solution)

International Scholar Studying the FDLP at GPO

Beta Authenticated Congressional Bills (110th Congress)

GPO Sept. - Oct. 15, 2008 issue of Administrative Notes

FDLP Promotional Video

Law Library for San Bernadino County

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Latest News Articles

New Electronic Titles - December 2008

New Electronic Titles (NET) are now available for December 2008. These files are accessible from the New Titles section of the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP).

New Electronic Titles - August 2008

New Electronic Titles (NET) are now available for August 2008. These files are accessible from the New Titles section of the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP).

New Electronic Titles - November 2008

New Electronic Titles (NET) are now available for November 2008. These files are accessible from the New Titles section of the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP).

New Item Number Procedure for Selected Congressional Publications

GPO has begun to create separate item numbers for the online only (EL) format of U.S. Congressional Committee publications known as “Y 4s”, or those listed as “Hearings, Prints, Miscellaneous Publications”...

Display of Additional Federal Depository Library Directory Field

As of December 1, 2008, in response to requests from the depository community, more fields will display in the FDLD. These will include the Library Director's title and name and the Depository Coordinator's...

Separate Record Cataloging Policy

New Electronic Titles - October 2008

New Electronic Titles - September 2008

New Electronic Titles - July 2008

GPO Practice Change: Cutter Numbers

Converting the Historic GPO Shelflist

Converting the Historic GPO Shelflist

GPO Cataloging Practice Change

MARC Cataloging Practice Change for Serial Titles

SuDoc Classification Practice Change for JCP Hearings

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Latest News Articles

Census Document Recall

Richard G. Davis, Acting Superintendent of Documents has been advised by the U.S. Census Bureau that some Census Bureau publications sent to depository libraries from 1992 to 1998 should not have been...

Publication of the Congressional Record

At the request of several libraries in the FDLP, GPO staff have obtained an update on the printing and publication of issues of the Congressional Record (Bound) Index and Daily Digest (X 1.1: item nos....

New Member Pictorial Directory: 111th Congress

The New Member Pictorial Directory: 111th Congress is now available on GPO Access. Files in the browse table are available as PDF files. The full New Member Pictorial Directory is also available in its...

2007 Privacy Act Issuances

The 2007 Privacy Act Issuances are now available through GPO Access, and the Office of the Federal Register web site. The Privacy Act Issuances contain descriptions of Federal agency systems of records...

Extra Copies of 2008 Red Book Available to Depository Libraries

GPO has acquired 15 additional sets of the 2008 Red Book (parts 1 and 2), A Summary Guide to Employment Supports For Individuals With Disabilities Under the Social Security Disability Insurance And Supplemental...

2008 Plum Book

U.S. Government Manual, 2008-2009

Small Package Delivery: Destroying FedEx Labels

SSA’s 2007 Red Book

U.S. Code, 2006 Edition

Census Atlas of the United States

Small Package Pick-up: Return Labels

Small Package Pick-up: Return Labels

Microfiche distribution program information

UPS Becomes Depository Box Distributor

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Latest News Articles

Spring DLC Meeting Registration & Call for Proposals

Registration Open for Spring Depository Library Council Meeting Registration is now open for the spring meeting of the Federal Depository Library Council, to be held April 20 -22, 2009 in Tampa Bay,...

Depository Library Council Meeting Update - Tampa Bay, FL

The spring 2009 Depository Library Council (DLC) Meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel located at 211 North Tampa Street, Tampa, Florida 33602. The 3-day meeting will begin at 8:00 a.m. on...

2009 Spring DLC Meeting

The 2009 Spring Depository Library Council meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Tampa located at 211 North Tampa Street, Tampa, Florida, 33602. A limited number of rooms will be available on a first-come,...

2008 Interagency Depository Seminar Presentations

Presentations given at the 21st Annual Interagency Depository Seminar, which was held in Washington, DC from July 28, 2008 - August 1, 2008, have been released online. During the week-long seminar, representatives...

ALA Annual Conference

The 2008 Annual Conference was held in Anaheim, CA, from June 26–July 2, 2008. Committee and business meetings took place June 28-July 1, 2008, and Council Meetings run to July 2. Ric Davis represented...

2008 Fall Depository Library Conference

Depository Library Council Meeting Hotel Reservations

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Latest News Articles

Reminder: Update Your FDLP Library Directory Entry - New Passwords Required for Depository Access to STAT-USA

In an effort to strengthen security and re-emphasize depository responsibilities in using this important service, STAT-USA, with assistance from LSCM, will assign new passwords. The assignment of new...

New Passwords Required for Depository Access to STAT-USA

In an effort to strengthen security and re-emphasize depository responsibilities in using this important service, STAT-USA, with assistance from LSCM, will assign new passwords. The assignment of new...

GPO Announces New Partnership with GAO

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to provide permanent public access to the GAO Reports and GAO Comptroller...

PACER Access

In 2007, GPO and the Administrative Office of the United States Courts undertook a pilot to provide free public access to Federal court records at 17 Federal depository libraries through Public Access...

List of Federal Agency Internet Sites Partnership Renewed

GPO is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with the Troy H. Middleton Library of Louisiana State University through 2010. Originally signed in 2001, this partnership provides for Federal...

Census 2000 Partnership Renewed

Browse Topics Redesign

World War II: A Digital Library

DOSFAN Partnership Renewed

"Point of Need" Services

Access to the Homeland Security Digital Library

National Needs & Offers List Partner Search

Banking & Economic Data Available through FRASER Partnership

Separate Record Cataloging Policy PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, November 20, 2008
Last Updated on Thursday, November 20, 2008

At the request of the Federal Depository Library community, the Government Printing Office, Library Services & Content Services, Library Technical Information Services (LTIS) staff has formulated a policy for creating separate records for every manifestation of a document. This policy follows an internal review of the current approach of single record cataloging. Below is LTIS’ proposed policy for metadata creation for individual formats.


In the 1980s, GPO began adding distribution notes for microfiche versions to records for the print publications. The first GPO procedures for cataloging electronic resources were developed in the early 1990’s, and focused on resources available from the Federal Bulletin Board (FBB). The FBB resources were cataloged separately from the tangible versions of those publications.  In 1995 CONSER adopted the single record approach, which is described in the CONSER Cataloging Manual module 31. GPO began applying this approach in the same year, and developed the first set of comprehensive instructions for cataloging electronic resources, Preliminary Instructions on Recording Access Information for Remotely Accessible Files. These instructions were designed to minimize the amount of time devoted to cataloging remote electronic resources because of their transitory nature, and called for the inclusion of 530 and 538 notes in the tangible record.

With GPO’s adoption of the FDSys, and its need to meet the requirements of FDSys for individual records, as well as GPO’s adoption of an integrated library system (ILS) with which GPO could finally record comprehensive holdings, GPO found a greater use for the separate records.


Depository libraries have the option of adding print holdings to their electronic resources records when desired, or creating single records on their own by adding GPO’s electronic metadata to their monograph records. Serials will retain the information about the electronic form of document in the tangible document’s record just as it looked under the single record policy, but a separate electronic record will also be created for the CGP. GPO must catalog serials this way to be in compliance with CONSER policy. Monograph records, however, will remain distinctly separate for format. A monograph record for a paper document will only contain information about the paper document.

All cataloging records will include the note “Also available in [other formats]. For example,

  • 500    Also available in microfiche and PDF.
  • 500    Also available in paper and microfiche.
  • 500    Also available in paper and HTML.

Records that GPO links to will be modified by the addition of the linking field (776) only if GPO is not distributing that document to depositories. That is, if GPO has not sent a paper document out to the FDLs, GPO will not add the 086 or the 856 to that paper record. The 776 link will be added to both the paper and the electronic record for the electronic version in order to alert users of the bibliographic record that another format is available; since GPO is not distributing the tangible format, however, other links will not be added. Any format that GPO does distribute to the FDLs will be cataloged with all of GPO’s information, i.e., the 086, the 074, etc.

GPO will not create separate records for microfiche if microfiche is used to distribute three issues or less of a document that is otherwise distributed in tangible format. In the case of a “fill” microfiche distribution, a note about the microfiche distribution for those issues will be added to the tangible document.

When GPO is cataloging electronic resources that have older cataloging copy available in OCLC and were coded type M (appropriate at that time, but no longer valid), GPO must change those type codes. In those cases, GPO is notifying OCLC and requesting that the type code be modified. If a library is requesting that an electronic resource item be cataloged, cataloging of those items may occasionally take more time to complete if that request needs to be made.

This policy will not be applied to documents already cataloged; we will not take links out of a monograph that was cataloged for both electronic and tangible formats in a single record. However, retrospective cataloging of documents will follow the new policy standard.

The policy is effective as of October 1, 2008.

Questions Please direct all questions concerning this policy to Ms. Jennifer K. Davis, Manager, Bibliographic Control.

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Ben's Guide Survey.
Value of an FDL.