Home > Depository Administration > FDLP Handbook > Chapter 8: Preservation
Chapter 8: Preservation PDF Print E-mail
Written on Friday, November 21, 2008
Last Updated on Monday, December 29, 2008

Article Index
Chapter 8: Preservation
8.1 What's New
8.2 Preservation Policy
8.3 Establishing Preservation Priorities
8.4 Rare and Endangered Gov't Pubs
8.5 Preservation Review
8.6 Evaluating At-Risk Publications
8.7 Preservation Proceses
8.8 Additional Resources
8.9 Tips and Lessons
8.10 You Don't Have to...
8.11 Important
All Pages

8.5 Preservation Review

Your depository library or the larger library of which you are a part should have a preservation review program to identify at-risk materials and to ensure that that these materials remain available to the public. This is best accomplished by making preservation assessment part of the life cycle of a library’s depository collection.