Wildfire Mitigation Tested in Orange County, CA 

Release Date: October 26, 2007
Release Number: FNF-07-076

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. -- On the morning of Sunday, March 11, 2007, fire erupted at Windy Ridge along the 241 Toll Road in Orange County. The area, known for its brush covered hills, canyons, and deep ravines, was a tinderbox, and the fire fanned by the Santa Ana winds spread rapidly.  This intentionally set fire had the potential to become catastrophic in a very short period of time. Many of the homes are situated in areas difficult to access, the vegetation had extremely low fuel moisture, and windy conditions continued.

However, thanks to mitigation efforts, the residents were lucky. Several factors contributed to preventing and avoiding what easily could have been substantial losses. Newer neighborhoods have been built with fire resistant materials, fire resistant landscaping, and defensible spaces. Many homes in Anaheim Hills have fire resistant roofs and enclosed eaves. The only home which sustained damages had a wood shake roof. Prevention and mitigation, such as fuel modification and hardened structures, combined to save the homes as well as aiding the firefighters. (Read More)

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Last Modified: Friday, 26-Oct-2007 10:34:20