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Chapter 21 of
Thomas Jefferson's Library: A Catalog with the Entries in His Own Order

edited by
James Gilreath and Douglas L. Wilson

1989 Library of Congress

Reproduced 2001

Table of Contents   |    Sources cited   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog


Chapter 21.

Jurisprudence. Law-Maritime.

14. Us: et Coustumes de la Mer. Sc. Jugemens d'Oleron, Ordonnances de Wisby et de la Hanse-Teutonique, le Guidon, Assurances d'Anvers, Ma- rine et Navigation par Cleirae, 4º. 1. Tracts on Marine Law, Sc. Schomberg on the Laws of Rhodes, Pastores, 8º. 2. Molloy de Jure Maritimo, 8º. 3. Brown's compend of the Civil and Admiralty Law, 2 v. 8º. 4. Azuni's Maritime Law of Europe, by Johnson, 2 v 8º. 15. Institutions du droit Maritime, par Boucher, 4º. 16. A Treatise on the dominion of the Sea, And a body of the Sea Laws, antient and modem, 4º. 5. La Mer-Libre et La Mer-fermee, Analyse de Grotius et de Selden, par Champagne, 8º. 6. Barton on the freedom of Navigation and Maritime commerce, 8º. 7. Neutral rights by Jenkinson, Schlegel, Croke and York, 8º. 8. Neutral Trade, i.e. the proceedings of the U.S. on their Neutral Trade, from 1793 to 1806, 8º. 9. Pamphlets on Neutral rights-to wit, Madison, Morris, &c 8º. 10. Robinson's Admiralty reports, 8º. 11. Cooper's opinion on Sentences of foreign courts of admiralty, 8º. (Allen's Case of the Olive Branch, 2 v 8º) Post 24, nº 298. 12. Clarke's practice of the courts of admiralty, 12º. 13. Id. Lat. 16.

Previous Chapter  |  Next Chapter
Foreword   |   Introduction   |   Selected Reading List   |   Editorial Note   |   Chapter: 1  |  2   |   3  |  4   |   5  |  6   |   7  |  8   |   9  |  10   |   11   |   12   |   13   |   14   |   15   |   16   |   17   |   18   |   19   |   20   |   21   |   22   |   23   |   24   |   25   |   26   |   27   |   28   |   29   |   30   |   31   |   32   |   33   |   34   |   35   |   36   |   37   |   38   |   39   |   40   |   41   |   42   |   43   |   44   |   Appendix

Table of Contents | Sources cited   |   Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog

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