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Chapter 15 of
Thomas Jefferson's Library: A Catalog with the Entries in His Own Order

edited by
James Gilreath and Douglas L. Wilson

1989 Library of Congress

Reproduced 2001

Table of Contents   |    Sources cited   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog


Chapter 15.

History-Natural. Occupations of Man. Technical Arts.

29. The handmaid to the arts, 2 v 8º. 1. Bibliotheque Physico-economique, 14 v. 12º, 1782-1790. 30. Journal Polytype pour l'ann&e 1786. 9 v 8º. 2. Locke on education, 12º. 92. Essai general d'Education, par Jullien, 4º. 31. Eudoxe, entretiens sur l'etude, par Deleuse, 2 v 8º. 3. La civility puerile, 12º Troyes, chez Garnier. 32. Methode elementaire de Pestolozzi, par Chavannes, 8º. 4. Neef's plan of Education, 12º. 33. Lancaster's improvements in Education. 8º 34. Knox on Education, 8º. 5. Chesterfield's letters, 4 v 12º. 35. The preceptor, v. 2d. 8º 6. Fisher's young man's companion, 12º. 36. Tracts in the arts, to wit, Quisnay, Voyages, Scott. 8º. 37. Memoire sur l'academie de Richmond, par Quisnay, 8º. 7. Maniere d'instruire les sourds et Muets, par l'Espine, 12º. 38. Green on the speech of the deaf & dumb, 8º. 39. Cadmus or on the elements of written language, by Thornton, 8º. 40. Rice's art of reading, 8º. 41. Miss Crownenshield's specimens of Penmanship, 8º. M. S. 42. Pelham's system of notation, 8º. 8. Shelton's Tachygraphy, 12º 43. Weston's short hand, 8º. 44. Tracts in the arts, short hand, copying machine, Blanchard, Dance, 8º. 93. Calson's specimens of printing types, pamp. 4º. 45. Histoire de la stereotype, par Camus, 8º. 102. Perkins' bank bill test, pamphlet. 46. Gordon's counting house, 8º. 47. Haye's modern bookkeeping, 8º. 48. Cavallo's history of Aerostation, 8º. 49. Tracts on Navigation, to wit, Naval Architecture, Rumsey, D'Arnal, Canals, Payrouse, Barnes, 8º. 50. Canals, to wit, Gallatin's report, Smith, Colles, Tatham, 8º. 51. Tracts on wet Docks, Quays & Warehouses for London, 8º 94. Vocabulaire de Marine, par L'Escalier, 3 v 4º. 52. Clarke's Vegecius, 8º. 9. a. Arte della guerra de Machiavelli, 12º. 9. b. Sr Walter Raleigh's Essays, 12º. 95. L'Ecole de Mars par Guignard, 2 v 4º. 53. Saxe's Reveries, 8º. 96. De Rohan, Abrege des guerres de Gaule, 4º. 10. Memoires historiques et militaires de Feuquieres, 2 v 12º. 11. Memoires de Feuquieres, 1st, 3d, 4th vols. 12º. 12. Memoires de Montecuculi, 12º. 97. Histoire de la Milice Franqaise, 2 v 4º. 54. Digge's Stratisticos, 8º. 55. Bland's military discipline, 8º. 56. Fisher's Military tactics, 8º. 57. The Army & Navy of Gr. Br. 8º 58. Rules for the government of an army, 8º 59. Duane's hand book for Infantry, 8º. 60. Duane's American Military Library, 8º. 98. Fulton's Torpedo War, pamphlet, 4º. 61. } } Tousard's American Artillerist's companion, 8º and 4º. 99. } 62. } } Scheel's treatise on Artillary, 8º and fol. 103. } 63. Kosciusko's Manoeuvres of horse artillery, 8º. 64. Military tracts, 8º. to wit. Shee, Godefroi, Truxtun. 13. Adye's bombardier and pocket Gunner, 12º 65. Military and political hints, by De la Croix, 8º 14. Blackwell's art of defence, 12º 66. Rei accipitrariae Scriptores, et de Cura Canum, Demetrius, Symmachus, Theodotion, Thuanus, et Fracastorius, Gr. Lat. Catalan, p 4º. Lutetial, 1612. 15. Le jeu des echecs, de Giacomo Greco, 16. 67. Lambe's history of Chess, and Philidor, analyse des Echecs, 8º. 16. Traite des Echecs du Caffe de Foy, 12º. 17. Hoyle's games, 12º. 68. Amusemens physiques de Pinetti, 8º. 69. La Faye, sur la chaux des Romains, 8º. 70. Rumford's Essays, 2 v 8º. 71. L'architecture rurale de Cointeraux, 8º. 72. Rural Economy, by Johnson, 8º 73. Theatrum Machinarum universale, 1 v 8º, and 1 v. g fol. D 74. Evans' Millwright and Miller, 8º. 75. The builder's price book 104. L'art de tourner, par Plumier, fol. 18. L'art de conduire les pendules, par Berthoud, 16 19. L'art des experiences, par l'abbe Nollet, 3 v 12º. 76. Tracts on steam engines, by Rumsey & Fitch, the Seine 8º. 105. Komarzewski's Theodolite, pam. fol. 77. Arts, Tracts, inventors Dorsey, Lippi, Polymathique, Bridge, Guest, Cut- ting, Montgolfier's belier hidraul., Boaz, Useful Cabinet, Dynamometer, 8º. 100. Tracts in the arts, Aerostatiques, Bird, Whitehurst, Education, Maupin, 4º 78. Treatise of husbandry, spinning, weaving &c. 8º 20. Truths on Manufactures, 12º. 79. Elemens de l'art de la teinture, par Berthollet, 2 v 8º. 80. Art de faire le vin, par Cossigny, 8º. 21. Fabbroni dell' arte di fare il vino, 12º. 81. Pamphlets in the arts, 8º. 22. Knight on the apple and pear, Cider and Perry, 12º. 82. The London and Country Brewer, 8º. 83. Combrun's theory and practice of brewing, 8º. 84. Richardsons philosophical principles of brewing, 8º. 85. Krafft's american distiller, 8º. 23. Apicius Coelius de opsoniis et condimentis, sive arte coquinaria, 12º apud Waestburgios 24. Avis au peuple sur leur premier besoin, (le pain) par l'abbe Baudau, 12º. 25. Avis sur la maniere de faire le pain, par Parmentier, 12º. 86. Le parfait boulanger, par Parmentier, 8º 26. Parmentier sur les pommes de terre, 12º. 27. Eale's Cookery, 12º. 28. Dictionnaire Domestique, 3 v 12º. 87. Tracts on potash and maple sugar. Williamos, Hopkins, remarks on Maple sugar, 8º. 88. Resultats de la Fabrication des sirops et des conserves de raisins, par Par- mentier, 8º. 89. Fennel's plan of Salt works, 8º. 90. Fabrication de la poudre a cannon, par Cossigny, 8º. 91. Supplement sur la fabrication de la poudre a cannon, par Cossigny, 8º. 101. Manner of Making tar in Sweden, pam. 4º.

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Foreword   |   Introduction   |   Selected Reading List   |   Editorial Note   |   Chapter: 1  |  2   |   3  |  4   |   5  |  6   |   7  |  8   |   9  |  10   |   11   |   12   |   13   |   14   |   15   |   16   |   17   |   18   |   19   |   20   |   21   |   22   |   23   |   24   |   25   |   26   |   27   |   28   |   29   |   30   |   31   |   32   |   33   |   34   |   35   |   36   |   37   |   38   |   39   |   40   |   41   |   42   |   43   |   44   |   Appendix

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