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Chapter 22 of
Thomas Jefferson's Library: A Catalog with the Entries in His Own Order

edited by
James Gilreath and Douglas L. Wilson

1989 Library of Congress

Reproduced 2001

Table of Contents   |    Sources cited   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog


Chapter 22.

Jurisprudence. Law-Ecclesiastical.

17. Gibbon's Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani, 2 v fol. 1. Examination of the Scheme of Church power in the Codex, 8º. 2. Hills examination of the rights of the Christian church, 8º. 3. Jura Ecclesiastica, 2 v 8º. 4. Parson's answer to Coke, 8º. 18. Watson's Clergyman's Law, fol. 5. The Clergyman's Vade-mecum, 2 v 12º. 6. Degge's Parson's Councellor, 8º. 7. Johnson's Ecclesiastical Law, 2 v 8º. 15. Burne's ecclesiastical Law, 2 v 4º. 8. Swinburne on Wills, 2d Ed. and last published by the author himself, 4º p. 19. " " " 5th Ed. fol. 9. Swinburne on espousals, 4º. p. 16. Godolphin's oprphan's Legacy, 4th Ed. 4º. 10. Nelson's Letters Testamentary, 8º. 11. Bohun's Law of Tithes, 8º. 12. Pleadings for the Marquis de Gesvres, 2d v. 12º. 13. Conset's Practice of Ecclesiastical courts, 8º. 14. Clarke's Praxis in Curiis Ecclesiasticis, 4º p.

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Foreword   |   Introduction   |   Selected Reading List   |   Editorial Note   |   Chapter: 1  |  2   |   3  |  4   |   5  |  6   |   7  |  8   |   9  |  10   |   11   |   12   |   13   |   14   |   15   |   16   |   17   |   18   |   19   |   20   |   21   |   22   |   23   |   24   |   25   |   26   |   27   |   28   |   29   |   30   |   31   |   32   |   33   |   34   |   35   |   36   |   37   |   38   |   39   |   40   |   41   |   42   |   43   |   44   |   Appendix

Table of Contents | Sources cited   |   Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog

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