Rebuild to Make Your Property Storm Resistant 

Release Date: September 15, 2004
Release Number: 1539-111

» More Information on Florida Hurricane Charley and Tropical Storm Bonnie
» More Information on Florida Hurricane Frances

ORLANDO, Fla. -- State and federal disaster recovery officials urge owners who are rebuilding after hurricanes Charley and Frances to consider taking steps now to minimize damage in future storms.

“There is no better time than when rebuilding to incorporate construction changes that will make a property less vulnerable to wind or water,” said Bill Carwile, federal coordinating officer for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Investing in mitigation, as these protective measures are known, also can lower property insurance premiums.

“We want to make sure that people living in areas prone to storms, such as hurricanes, floods, or tornadoes, know how they can make their properties better able to withstand the ravages of another disaster,” said State Coordinating Officer Craig Fugate, Director of Emergency Management at the Florida Department of Community Affairs.

Construction experts recommend the following steps when building and rebuilding:

Hurricane clips: Small metal clips that secure a roof frame to the top of a structure’s walls. They are inexpensive and widely used in areas where hurricanes often strike.

Masonry ties: Metal strips that help secure brick walls to a wooden structure. The ties are most effective when spaced no farther apart than 16 inches horizontally and two feet vertically.

Plywood sheathing: While impact tests show that pressed wood is as strong as plywood, experts nonetheless recommend plywood for roof decking and sheathing for extra protection against storm damage. (Specifically, use plywood that is no less than 7/16 - inch thick. The preferred thickness is 5/8 - inch.)

Fastening: To secure 4x8-foot plywood sheathing to walls or roofs, fasteners should be driven at intervals no greater than 4 inches around the perimeter of the board and 6 inches in the middle lines. Use screws instead of nails to attach the sheathing.

Garage Doors: High winds can buckle a weak door, creating entry for wind that can easily lift an unclipped roof. Consider a heavy-gauge dual-sheet garage door.

Structures need to be tied to their foundations with correctly installed anchor bolts of the proper dimensions. In structures with concrete block foundations, the bolts should be at least 15 inches into the foundation in order to reach the second course of blocks and to prevent the bolts from being pulled out in strong winds.

If the concrete is poured, bolts a minimum of 1/2 inch in diameter should be set at least seven inches into the concrete and topped with a washer and a nut. Officials also recommend using 2x6-inch wall studding that is more rigid than the usual 2x4-inch lumber and provides the added benefit of greater space for wall insulation.

FEMA can provide property owners with detailed information on raising furnaces, electrical panel boxes and appliances to keep water from damaging them.

Other flood mitigation steps include:

Installing backflow valves on septic tank and sewage lines

Flood proofing exterior walls

Building small levees or floodwalls to keep water away from a structure

Anchoring mobile homes, fuel tanks and gas bottles to prevent them from floating away

Building with the bottom floor above base-flood elevation

Officials emphasize that these measures will help make a home more resistant to disasters and enhance survival odds, but they will not guarantee safety in a direct hit from storms as severe as hurricanes Charley and Frances.

Residents and business owners affected by hurricanes Charley and Frances are urged to call the toll-free registration number, 1-800-621-FEMA (3362), to apply for assistance. People with hearing or speech impairments can call (TTY) 1-800-462-7585 for assistance. Applications can be made 24 hours a day until further notice.

The State Emergency Response team (SERT) is a collaboration of Florida’s emergency management agencies led by the state coordinating officer. SERT’s mission is to ensure that Florida is prepared to respond to emergencies, recover from them and mitigate their impact. Visit for the latest information n the hurricane relief effort.

On March 1, 2003, FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. FEMA's continuing mission within the new department is to lead the effort to prepare the nation for all hazards and effectively manage federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates proactive mitigation activities, trains first responders, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 15-Sep-2004 11:59:54