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Metabolic dynamics in the brain imaged over time using fluorescent tags

Metabolic dynamics in the brain imaged over time using fluorescent tags

Researchers recently gained new insights into brain cell metabolism by discovering a critical piece of information on how the brain converts fuel to energy. Researchers focused on the binding properties of a compound called beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH). Knowing whether NADH is bound or free affects how much it fluoresces in imaging tests (PET and fMRI). Scientists were able to differentiate between the bound and free state based on the rate the molecules rotated or did not rotate. The unbound NADH molecules rotate faster and lose their fluorescence more quickly. In this image, metabolic dynamics in the brain are imaged over time using fluorescent NADH. Results show a preferential increase in free NADH during the normoxic (normal oxygen conditions - blue curve) to hypoxic (oxygen deficiency - red curve) metabolic transition. Image courtesy of Dr. Watt Webb, Cornell University. Grant EB 001976. Image used with permission of the Journal of Biological Chemistry

Image courtesy of Dr. Watt Webb, Cornell University. Grant EB 001976.

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Last reviewed on: 09/26/05

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