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Compatibility Guidelines

Compatibility Guidelines

caBIG™ Compatibility Guidelines v3.0 - The Compatibility Guidelines v3.0 is the current version released on 5/1/2008. Changes in v3.0 as compared to the last revision include the following:

  • Expansion of gold compatibility requirements for:
    • Programming and Messaging Interfaces: Gold level requirements will involve added specificity of API requirements for data and analytical services for complying with the caGrid federated infrastructure.
    • Vocabularies/Terminologies & Ontologies: The gold level of maturity for an application or information resource is similar to the silver level, but with the added requirements that registered standards approved for caBIG™-wide usage are implemented wherever they are available and that the vocabulary is accessible through a standard caGrid Vocabulary API.
    • Data Elements: Gold level requirements for data elements are an extension of the silver level specification, with added requirements for usage of appropriate CDEs that have been approved as standards for caBIG™-wide usage
    • Information Models: Gold level maturity for Information Models will involve an added degree of harmonization across caBIG™ domains
  • Clarification of silver compatibility requirements.

Community Feedback - Community feedback on a draft version of the Compatibility Guidelines v3.0 was incorporated to generate the final released version. The Community Feedback Document summarizes all comments received as well as the responses from the Architecture and VCDE participants tasked to generate the Guidelines.

Feature Request Tracker - As the Compatibility Guidelines is a living document, it is important to collect additional suggestions that the community may have for updates to the document. Please follow the link to use a feature tracker to log suggestions for updates to the Guidelines. These requests will be addressed by the Architecture and VCDE Workspaces for incorporation into the Guidelines.

caCORE Training - The purpose of caCORE Training is to teach members of the NCICB and caBIG™ community how the caDSR fits into the caCORE Infrastructure, the role of the CORE Infrastructure in caBIG™ compatibility, and how to use caDSR tools to search for, retrieve, analyze, and curate caDSR common data elements (CDEs). Tools covered include the CDE Browser, UML Model Browser, Curation Tool, Form Builder Tool, Sentinel Tool, caCORE Software Development Kit (SDK), and the Semantic Integration Workbench (SIW).


Supplemental Specifications:

Earlier draft versions of the caBIG™ Compatibility Guidelines - Includes links to and information about earlier versions of the caBIG™ Compatibility Guidelines.

last modified 08-28-2008 02:44 PM