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Seattle Longitudinal Study

Acronym:  SLS Start Year: 1956
End Year: 1998


Study Summary: SLS
Additional Comments: *Members of a health maintenance organization or a family member of these individuals. New panels were added in 7-year interval (7 different panels in 1998). Total sample is now over 5,000 for the longitudinal study and about 1,800 for the family studies.


Country: USA Physiological Measures Psychological Measures
Sample Size: 500* Functional Health Cognitive Abilities
Age Group: 21-70 Lifestyle: Physical Activity Social and Demographic Measures
Gender: Both Lifestyle: Nutrition Health Services Utilization
# Cohorts: Lifestyle: Other
Total Waves: 7 Minorities
Link w/ Data: Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)


Contact Information: Dr. K. Warner Schaie, Principal Investigator

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