June 18 Is Deadline For Storm Damage Aid 

Release Date: June 12, 2001
Release Number: 1371-03

» More Information on Maine Severe Storms & Flooding

Augusta, ME -- Less than a week remains for municipalities and other governmental units, agencies, and qualifying not--for--profit organizations in Franklin, Oxford and York Counties to file to seek federal and state disaster assistance.

June 18 is the deadline for filing Requests for Public Assistance for reimbursement for damage to publicly--owned facilities caused by the severe winter storms and flooding of March 5--31.

Funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) through a 75/15/10 per cent federal/state/local sharing formula, the Public Assistance Program is administered by the State of Maine.

"Funds are available in the counties which were declared federal disaster areas on May 16 by President George W. Bush," said State Coordinating Officer Lynette C. Miller. "The deadline is June 18 and we want to make sure all communities that sustained damage apply for aid by that date. No waivers for this deadline are allowed."

In addition to direct reimbursement for damages, eligible entities may be able to receive hazard mitigation funds to help reduce damage in future events.

According to Marianne Jackson, Federal Coordinating Officer, financial assistance would be available for such expenses as debris removal; damage to roads, culverts and bridges; public utilities; public buildings and equipment; flood protective facilities; and, private, non--for--profit facilities such as hospitals and educational centers that serve a public purpose.

"If your community or organization has suffered this type of storm--related damage, call the disaster field office at 207--865--2300 as soon as possible. No community should fall through the cracks for failure to notify us," said Miller.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 21-Oct-2003 14:00:57