HSPD-12 Related Acronyms


ANSI: American National Standards Institute

ATO: Authority to Operate 

BI:   Background Investigation 

BITS: Background Information Tracking System

BSL:  Biosafety Levels 

CACertification Authority

CAN: Common Account Number 

CHUID: Cardholder Unique Identifier 

CIT: Center for Information Technology 

CNACI:  Child Care NACI 

CJIS: Criminal Justice Information Services 

DIS: Division of International Services 

DP: Division of Police 

DPSAC: Division of Personnel Security and Access Control 

EOD: Entry on Duty 

e-QIP: Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing 

FICC: Federal Identity and Credentialing Committee

FIPS 201-1: Federal Information Processing Standards 

HHS: Department of Health and Human Services

HR: Human Resources

HSPD-12: Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 

IDMS: ID Management System 

ISO: International Organization for Standardization

JPAS: Joint Personnel Adjudication System 

LACS:  Logical Access Control System

LBI:  Limited Background Investigation 

MBI: Minimum Background Investigation

NAC: National Agency Check 

NACI: National Agency Check and Inquiries

NACIC:  NACI and Credit 

NACLC: NAC with Local Agency Check and Credit 

NCIC: National Crime Information Center 

NED: NIH Enterprise Directory

OMB: Office of Management and Budget

OPDIV: HHS Operating Division

OPM: Office of Personnel Management 

PACS: Physical Access Control System

PII: Personal Identifying Information

PIN: Personal Identification Number 

PIPS:  Personnel Investigations Processing System 

PIV:  Personal Identity Verification 

SAC:  Special Agreement Check 

SF: Standard Form

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

SP:  Special Publication

SSBI: Single Scope Background Investigation 

SSBI-PR: SSBI Periodic Reinvestigation