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Press Release

For Immediate Release
September 7, 2007
Contact: Sean C. Bonyun
(202) 225-3761

Upton Announces $24,000 COPS Grant to Enhance School Safety in Dowagiac
Rep. is a steadfast supporter of the COPS program

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph) today announced that the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) has awarded a $24,450 grant to the Dowagiac Police Department to enhance safety at local schools.  The grant was awarded through the COPS Secure Our Schools program, which provides funds to improve security at schools and on school grounds.  The U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) today announced $14.8 million in grants to 152 local law enforcement agencies to enhance school safety in 36 states.  The DoJ awarded school safety grants to eight Michigan communities, including Kalamazoo Township, totaling nearly $1.025 million.

“With the summer behind us and our kids back to school this week, nothing is more critical than ensuring that our children have a safe learning environment,” said Upton.  “The unfortunate reality is that our schools and classrooms are no longer immune from violence.  These two COPS grants will go to great lengths in giving our students in Dowagiac the peace of mind that they are safe in the classroom and can focus on their studies rather than worry about their personal safety.  Kids cannot learn if they are concerned with their personal safety.” 

The Secure Our Schools program will provide up to 50 percent of the total cost for municipalities to install metal detectors, locks, lighting, and other equipment to help deter crime.  The grants can also be used to pay half of the cost of security assessments, security training, and other measures that will provide a significant improvement in security. 

Secure Our Schools is one of several COPS initiatives to enhance school safety.  COPS has provided nearly $930 million to state and local law enforcement agencies to hire and train more than 6,300 school resource officers. COPS also funds school safety training, and has published several technical assistance guides to help law enforcement agencies effectively address specific school and youth violence issues.

“Both educators and law enforcement officials understand that securing the school facility and receiving proper training are critical components of a comprehensive school safety plan,” said COPS Director Carl R. Peed.  “We are pleased to assist with local school safety initiatives.”

In addition, COPS supports innovative community policing initiatives, funds the purchase of crime fighting technology, and provides training and technical assistance resources. Since 1995, COPS has invested $12.4 billion to advance community policing, including grants awarded to more than 13,000 state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies to fund the hiring of more than 117,000 officers and provide a variety of knowledge resource products including publications, training, technical assistance, conferences and webcasts.


Congressman Fred Upton Michigan Sixth District