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Press Release

For Immediate Release
June 14, 2007
Contact: Sean C. Bonyun

House Approves Upton Energy Saving Amendment
Measure Requires Federal Gov't Use Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

Bipartisan amendment included in Military Construction and Veterans Affairs spending bill - Upton plans to introduce identical amendment to every spending bill  

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. House of Representatives today unanimously approved by voice vote a bipartisan amendment authored by Congressman Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph), a senior member of the House Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality, to require the federal government to purchase energy efficient light bulbs.  Upton and California Democrat Jane Harman are leading the bipartisan effort to promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  The amendment was included in the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs spending bill, H.R. 2642, which passed the House late this afternoon.  Upton and Harman intend to introduce the bi-partisan amendment to every appropriations bill, requiring that each agency, department, and office within the Federal Government, beginning October 1, 2007, purchase light bulbs that meet the Department of Energy's "Energy Star" efficiency ratings.    

"Changing our nation's energy habits needs to start at the top - with the Federal Government," said Upton.  "As Congress continues to debate climate change legislation and ways to promote energy efficiency, it is imperative that the federal government set a proper example, leading the way in common-sense conservation measures.  By upgrading to 'Energy Star' light bulbs, we will help preserve energy resources and reduce the risks of global warming, all the while saving tens of millions of taxpayer dollars."

ENERGY STAR qualified light bulbs:

  • Use about 75 percent less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer.
  • Save $30 or more in electricity costs over each bulb's lifetime.
  • Produce about 75 percent less heat, so they're safer to operate and can cut energy costs associated with home cooling.
  • Are available in different sizes and shapes to fit in almost any fixture, for indoors and outdoors.

Last month, Wal Mart and the city of Sturgis teamed up to distribute one new energy efficient light bulb to every household.  Wal Mart donated 1,700 compact fluorescent bulbs and the city contributed an additional 3,500 bulbs.  Local high school students hit the neighborhoods of Sturgis and provided every household with one new bulb.

"Sturgis is a shining example of how we can conserve energy one light bulb, one household at a time," said Upton.  "Current incandescent bulbs on store shelves are obsolete and highly inefficient - only 10% of the energy consumed by each bulb is for light with 90% wasted on unnecessary heat.  We can all make a difference, with the federal government taking the lead, one light bulb at a time.  With more efficient bulbs, we will dramatically lower our energy use, reducing greenhouse gases as well as saving American families billions of dollars in their electric bills - and the benefits will be as easy as a flip of the switch." 


Congressman Fred Upton Michigan Sixth District