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Press Release

For Immediate Release
January 12, 2006
Contact:  Sean C. Bonyun
(202) 225-3761

Upton in Prime Position to Shape Telecom, Energy Policy this New Congress
Rep. named top Republican on Telecom Subcommittee, senior member on Energy Subcommittee - Positions very important to the needs of SW Michigan

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph), a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, has been assigned to the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet as well as the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality.  Upton, who chaired the Telecommunications Subcommittee last Congress, will continue to be the highest ranking Republican on the Subcommittee.  Upton will also assume new duties as a senior Republican on the Energy Subcommittee.  In the 109th Congress, Upton served on the Telecommunications, Health, and Consumer Protection Subcommittees.   

Upton made the following statement upon learning of his subcommittee assignments:

"While the landscape has changed and Republicans are now in the minority, our priorities continue to remain the same.  In the world of telecommunications, we must remain committed to providing consumers more services at lower prices, providing greater access to broadband and fostering the development of new, revolutionary technologies.  In this age of information, it is unacceptable that the U.S. currently ranks 12th in the world in broadband deployment - we will be left behind in the world economy unless every citizen has access to the information superhighway. 

"Serving on the Energy Subcommittee is particularly important to Southwest Michigan with our region's emphasis on nuclear power and alternative fuels.  We have two nuclear plants, Cook and Palisades, on our shores, and new alternative fuel production plants are under construction throughout our region, including Bangor and Watervliet.  There is no question that Southwest Michigan will continue to play a prominent role in easing the nation's dependence on Mideast oil - a matter of national security. 

"There will be many important issues that will come before the Energy and Commerce Committee in the 110th Congress.  I will continue working to ensure that the best interests of the folks of Southwest Michigan are represented in every piece of legislation that moves through our committee."


Congressman Fred Upton Michigan Sixth District