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See What Type of Scientist You Can Be

You may have just begun to discover the puzzles and thrills of science. You may already be committed to a career in science. You may love one kind of science now and discover a different field later. As a young girl just finding your way into science, there’s a lot to discover, and your possibilities are wide open.

Have You Ever Asked Why?

Do you have "why" questions? Check out the webpages listed below. You can post your own "why" questions on several of these sites. Here are several exciting websites that contain a variety of different science quizzes. Have fun!

  • Ask Dr. Universe! Do you know why mosquito bites itch, what causes lightning, or whether frogs sleep? You can submit your own questions, or look at the questions that other people have submitted.
  • EXPLORIT, a hands-on science museum in Davis, California, has put together this collection of science quizzes and challenging questions and answers.
  • "Ask the Experts", from Scientific American.com, provides answers to almost any science question you have ever asked. Questions include the following: How are traits passed on through DNA? How is a star born? Why do clouds turn gray before it rains? What causes a headache?
  • Quiz your knowledge of diseases.
  • Access Excellence takes you through several interesting scenarios in which you can try to solve scientific mysteries.
  • New Scientist answers: Why do some people have “innie” belly-buttons while others have “outies?" Why is a paper cut so painful? What causes the noise when you crack your knuckles? These are just a few questions that are answered on their website.
  • At Mad Scientist you can ask an expert a question, or look at questions other students have asked on the website.
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