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Getting Into and Excelling at Graduate School

Applying to graduate school involves a significant amount of work, including taking the GREs, writing essays, and collecting letters of recommendations. Applicants must spend time researching what schools they should apply to, taking into consideration such issues as faculty expertise, financial packages offered, and course requirements. The sites below provide practical resources to help plan and guide a person through the application process. Finally, the last section is dedicated to life after getting into graduate school.

Getting Into Graduate School

Careers in Science and Engineering: A Student Planning Guide to Grad School and Beyond
This guide is intended to help upper-division undergraduate and graduate students in science, engineering, and mathematics to make career and educational choices.

Advice for Undergrads Considering Grad School
Written by a Phil Agre, Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, this article contains informal advice for undergraduates who are thinking about graduate school.

Getting Into Graduate School
This guide from the American Psychological Association is helpful for all science majors.

Graduate School Information
This website is a comprehensive source of information about graduate school.

Kaplan – The Admissions Process: More Grad School Admissions Resources
Use this page as your springboard to other useful Websites, including graduate school home pages, student publications, and more.

Sources of Information on Graduate Programs and Graduate School
Here is a list of just a few references related to graduate school and graduate study. By no means comprehensive, this list nevertheless gives you a “start” if you are assessing programs, institutions, and possibilities.

Timeline for Applying to Graduate School
Scroll through this document for helpful tips on applying to grad school, your personal statement, recommendations, and financing your education. (When it asks for your authentication information, just click "cancel.")

Once You're In, Check Out These Sites On How To Survive

Graduate Student Organizations

Life as a T.A.

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