Downloading MemExp


The downloading of MemExp software from this site is intended only for users from non-profit institutions who intend to use the software for research purposes only.

Interested users from for-profit institutions, or users from non-profit institutions that intend to use the software for any commercial purpose, must obtain a license for internal use or commercialization. Please, use this License Application (a Microsoft Word document) or contact the Licensing Specialist at the NIH Office of Technology Transfer for more information.

  1. Please provide the following information so that we can justify continued development of MemExp. When specifying your affiliation, please provide more than an abbreviation of a few letters.
    Full Name:
    Email Address:
    Non-Profit Affiliation:

  2. Next, read the License Agreement carefully. Acceptance of the software implies agreement to these terms.
    I accept .

  3. Finally, choose a MemExp executable (version 3.0) for one of the following operating systems (documentation and test cases included).