A Nursing Home is Not Your Only Choice


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Air date: Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 12:00:00 PM
Category: Work/Life Center
Description: The range of housing options and services to support the elderly is growing rapidly. Traditional nursing homes now represent only one end of the spectrum of alternatives. This session will provide information about and understanding of the many housing options and services available, which may better fit the situation and preferences of your elder loved one. Knowing these alternatives will help both of you navigate this very important decision and make the best choice possible.

The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC), in cooperation with the NIH Employee Assistance Program, presents the “Faces & Phases of Life” seminar series for 2005.

For more information, visit
Author: The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Runtime: 01:15:09
CIT File ID: 12468
CIT Live ID: 3837
Permanent link: http://videocast.nih.gov/launch.asp?12468