Screen Issues: Taming the Electronic Monsters in Your Home


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Air date: Wednesday, February 09, 2005, 12:00:00 PM
Category: Work/Life Center
Description: Many kids, given the opportunity, would spend hours in front of a screen - either on the computer, playing games or instant messaging friends, battling video games, or passively watching television. Because they won't set their own limits, parents need to do the job. Learn how to bring these monsters under control.

The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC), in cooperation with the NIH Employee Assistance Program, presents the “Faces & Phases of Life” seminar series for 2005.

For more information, visit
Author: The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC)
Runtime: 01:16:07
CIT File ID: 12454
CIT Live ID: 3835
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