Don't Get Caught In The Cold 

Release Date: January 29, 2002
Release Number: R7-02-05

» 2002 Region VII News Releases

Some of the most commonly used winter weather terms are listed and explained below.

Safety Tips to Travel

Citizens should winterize their cars. The following items should be checked: ignition, cooling, fuel and exhaust systems, battery, lights, tires, heater, brakes, wipers, defroster and oil. In the winter, it is advisable to keep the fuel tank full. Know safe driving routes from home, school or work.

A survival kit in the car should include a flashlight, ice scraper, paper towels, extra clothes, blankets, matches and candles, booster cables, a compass, maps, sand, chains and high calorie non-perishable food.

Drive defensively! Check your owner’s manual for information about how to use your vehicle’s braking system during hazardous winter driving conditions.

Travel smart! Plan your trip, don’t drive alone and let someone know your travel plans, route and estimated arrival time.

Drive carefully! If you get tired or storm intensity increases, seek shelter off the road. Use road maps, seat covers and newspapers to help provide additional insulation if you are trapped inside your car in a winter snowstorm.

Do not leave your car unless you see a building close by where you know you can take shelter. Once a storm is over, you may need to leave the car to get help. Follow the road if possible. If you need to walk across open county, orient your route toward distant landmarks to maintain your sense of direction.

Safety Tips for the Home

During a Storm

Tips on Generators

After a Storm

Last Modified: Wednesday, 27-Aug-2003 15:49:18