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Executive Orders

Orders issued by the President to improve the representation of Hispanics in the Federal workforce and to increase the benefits derived from participation in Federal education programs by Hispanics.

Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs)

To be considered a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), a College or University must have a Hispanic enrollment of at least 25 percent of its total student enrollment. This page provides a link to The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), the national educational association that represents over 350 HSIs.

College Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships and Postdoctoral Awards for Hispanic Americans (HSIs)

A listing of funding opportunities for Hispanic Americans seeking advancement in all levels of education from K-12 through Postdoctoral programs.

Hispanic Organizations

This section provides a listing of links to organizations, professional societies, and groups serving various segments of the Hispanic community.

NIH Hispanic Employee Organization (NIH-HEO)

An organization within the NIH dedicated to ensuring appropriate Hispanic representation in its workforce at all levels. The NIH-HEO recognizes that Hispanic employees can be a very valuable human resource and can serve as a primary link between the customer outreach and service programs of the NIH.

Diversity Calendar

This calendar is an online database of diversity-related links to conferences and other learning opportunities.