National Cancer Institute caBIG™ Cancer Bioinformatics Medical Grid NCRI Informatics Initiative National Cancer Research Institute
Biomedical Informatics Without Borders: Enabling Collaboration to strengthen research and care: September 2-3, 2008: Bethesda, MD
Collaboration: Interoperability: Standards

"As data is shared and analyzed globally, we're able to bring the world's greatest research minds together to make real breakthroughs in the fight against cancer and other diseases."

Ken Buetow, Ph.D.

NCI Associate Director for
Bioinformatics & Information

Over 275 leaders from the United States, United Kingdom, and beyond joined for a two-day conference on the critical importance of information technology to biomedical research.

They learned how multinational collaborations, like the one between the National Cancer Institute (NCI-U.S.) and the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI-UK) are playing an important role in facilitating more connected and efficient research for diseases like cancer. The coference connected peers from across the globe to see how grid initiatives are changing the biomedical research landscape.

Now available: speaker presentations, abstracts and information about poster award winners.

Explore all the information and discussion from the 2007 conference.