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NIH Record  
Vol. LX, No. 16
August 08, 2008
Determined Woman Finds NIH ‘Colossus’ Conquerable
NIH’ers Use Lunch Hour for Soccer
Shorter Review Cycles at CSR Help Some New Researchers
Clinical Center Lab Dedicated to Memory of Technologist Carter
ORWH Hosts National Women’s Health Week at NIH
Three Generations at NIH
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Kiecolt-Glaser Offers New Paradigm on How Stress Kills
  Dr. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser
  Dr. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser

The idea that the mind affects health and illness is thousands of years old, but only in recent decades have scientists tracked down the data.

Now Ohio State University’s Dr. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser is adding to the growing evidence on the health consequences of stress. In her talk “How Stress Kills: New Perspectives on Stress and Inflammation,” she offered recent findings to a packed house in Lipsett Amphitheater.

“She has done seminal work in a field with a long name,” said NIDCR’s Dr. Nadya Lumelsky in her introduction. That field is psychoneuroimmunology, the interdisciplinary study of brain, mind and immune system. “There was lots of anecdotal evidence, but Dr. Kiecolt-Glaser has shown a causal relationship between stress and other diseases.”

Fogarty Center Celebrates 40th Birthday
  Guests fill Stone House entryway for party.
  Guests fill Stone House entryway for party.

The Fogarty International Center celebrated its 40th anniversary with an open-house birthday party at Stone House for more than 500 NIH staff, featuring a blue Earth-shaped chocolate cake—a global favorite—and memories of the man for whom the center was named.

In his 20 years as chairman of the House subcommittee that funded what is now HHS, Rep. John E. Fogarty (D-RI) had a vision to create a more peaceful world by sharing biomedical research discoveries with other nations. But he died in office before the dream of a “Health for Peace” institute could be realized.