The NIH Record

March 24, 1998
Vol. L, No. 6

New NICHD Zebrafish Facility Opens in 6B

NIH Coordinates Egyptian Biotechnology, Technology Transfer Workshop

PBS Series Examines Drug Addiction, Treatment

Info Technology Security Conference, Apr. 2

Science in the News

Internet Snacks

News Briefs


Study Subjects Sought

U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

NIH Record Archives

A League of Their Own
NIH Hockey League Thriving at 25 (Give or Take)

By Rich McManus

What has all its teeth, loves speed and excitement, and hasn't even stayed in a Nagano hotel room, let alone trashed one? Why the NIH Hockey Club, of course, a loose-knit co-ed gang of skating enthusiasts who have wangled ice time, by hook or by crook, at a variety of local rinks since "around 1973," says Dr. Pierre Henkart, who used to run the floating contests until injuries put his hockey career on ice. Nowadays, the R&W-sponsored club skates almost year round and has more people than it can accommodate, according to league codirector Guy Wassertzug, who, like most players in the league, isn't even an NIH'er.
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Pros, Cons, Ambiguities
Answers Sought on Hormone Replacement Therapy

By Jan Ehrman

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) -- Is it for every postmenopausal woman? Can it really help prevent heart disease, hip fractures and dementia? What if you've had breast cancer? Can you safely take estrogen supplements? Do the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks, and if so, for whom?
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