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Radiation Countermeasures
  Scientific Background
  Strategic Planning
  Basic and Translational Goals
  Focused Product Goals
  Infrastructure Goals
  Radiation Biodosimetry Goals
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Medical Countermeasures Against Radiological and Nuclear Threats

Infrastructure for Research and Product Development Goals

NIH Plans for Infrastructure for Research and Product Development

Immediate Goals

  • Establish a collaborative research network focused on the identification and development of medical countermeasures to radiation exposure
  • Promote integration and collaboration in radiobiology research and training among government organizations, academia, and private industry
  • Support centralized facilities for efficient, carefully standardized testing and validation of new products

Long-Term Goals

  • Attract a new generation of scientists in radiobiology research and radiation chemistry through training and mentoring programs
  • Support bioinformatics and specialized technology centers for radiobiology research

Current Infrastructure for Radiation Countermeasures Research

The Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI) has served as the lead agency for research in radiation biology for the operational and medical support of Department of Defense (DOD) services. The relative importance of radiobiology research waned over the past decade, however, and no federal agency has ever had primary responsibility for the development of radiation countermeasures for the civilian population, whose needs are significantly different from those of the military. Thus, the current cadre of investigators conducting research into medical countermeasures for radiological injury is small, the infrastructure to support such research is inadequate, and only a few small training programs in the radiological health sciences exist.  Moreover, the physical infrastructure and other support (e.g., biostatistical services, GLP-certified facilities) are limited for high-quality basic and translational research and are particularly lacking for development and licensure of experimental dosimetry and radiological countermeasures.

Agenda for Radiation Countermeasure Research Infrastructure Enhancement

The primary mechanism to support infrastructure enhancement will be the Centers for Medical Countermeasures Against Radiation program, which will help to expand both physical and human infrastructure devoted to radiation countermeasures research. Examples of support to be provided by the research centers program, as well as other programs in this area, include

  • Training in radiation health-related sciences
  • Assay development projects
  • Animal model development
  • Preclinical testing of promising products (toxicity, pharmacokinetics, efficacy)
  • Laboratory renovations and special equipment

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RFA-DK-08-010: Intestinal Stem Cell Consortium (U01) - Co-Funded by the NIAID Radiation/Nuclear Program.  Receipt date: March 18, 2009.

Issued by DTRA: BAA for Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate New Initiatives FY2010-FY2011, October 17, 2008.  See BAA Amendment 1, for Radiation Topics

NIAID Announces 25 New Awards to Develop Radiation Countermeasures—October 7, 2008

See Also

  • Radiological and Nuclear Threats News Releases
  • Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation (DAIT)
  • Biodefense—The NIAID Biodefense Web site includes biodefense-related information for biomedical researchers, the public, and the media.
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    RFA-DK-08-010: Intestinal Stem Cell Consortium (U01) - Co-Funded by the NIAID Radiation/Nuclear Program.  Receipt date: March 18, 2009.

    Issued by DTRA: BAA for Chemical and Biological Technologies Directorate New Initiatives FY2010-FY2011, October 17, 2008.  See BAA Amendment 1, for Radiation Topics

    NIAID Announces 25 New Awards to Develop Radiation Countermeasures—October 7, 2008

    See Also

  • Radiological and Nuclear Threats News Releases
  • Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation (DAIT)
  • Biodefense—The NIAID Biodefense Web site includes biodefense-related information for biomedical researchers, the public, and the media.