National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health
NCRR Reporter
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Resource Brief

Funding Matters

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  • News from NCRR

Five Members Appointed to NCRR Advisory Council

Rubenstein Receives Prestigious Award

NIH Funds Repository for Knockout Mouse Project

Network Connects Investigators at Minority Institutions

News from NCRR

People, Awards, Grants, and New Developments

Rubenstein Receives Prestigious Award

Arthur H. Rubenstein, executive vice president of the University of Pennsylvania for the Health System and dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, received the 2007 Academic Health Centers Leadership Award from the Clinical Research Forum, an organization consisting of the nation’s leading academic health centers, for “his lifetime of leadership in academic clinical research.” In October 2006, the University of Pennsylvania, along with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, received a $68 million Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) from NCRR. Prior to the CTSA, the university was home to an NCRR-funded General Clinical Research Center headed by Rubenstein.

Rubenstein has led the development of an aggressive scientific program to advance clinical and translational research at the University of Pennsylvania. The new Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, supported through the CTSA Program, is an interdisciplinary alliance, also involving the Wistar Institute, the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, and eight other schools at Penn.

An internationally prominent endocrinologist, Rubenstein is recognized for his clinical expertise and groundbreaking research in diabetes. He has served as president of the Association of Professors of Medicine, the Association of American Physicians, and the Central Society for Clinical Research and has been chairman of both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the National Diabetes Advisory Board. Over the years, he has received several grants and awards from NCRR.