The NIH Record

November 19, 1996
Vol. XLVIII, No. 24

NIH's Own 'Iron Man,'
Roskey Jennings, Mourned

CC Governing Board Meets for First Time

NINR Marks 10th Anniversary

Letters to the Editor

Science in the News

News Briefs

Science Education Connection




Study Subjects Sought

Final Photo

U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

NIH Record Archives

'It's Friday!'
Diversity Training Encourages
'Nontraditional' Solutions

By Carla Garnett

Karen is a 45-year-old mid-level manager. Typically, she meets a few friends for lunch every weekday. They commiserate and share war stories about the workday, their careers and families, and basically the world at large. Her lunchtime routine is probably no different from hundreds of thousands of other employees worldwide, and generally there's nothing wrong with it. But according to workplace diversity expert Dr. Samuel Betances, time spent at work could be so much richer for Karen, for her friends and for employees in all businesses at all levels.
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Elvish Lives
South Maintenance 'Santas'
Help Pediatric Patients

By Rich McManus

Not all of Santa's helpers labor by firelight amid the frost of the North Pole. Some wear the blue workman's clothes of the south maintenance unit's quality circle, a group of NIH'ers who, for the past 3 years, have collected money to buy gifts for the Clinical Center's 14th floor playroom.
M O R E . . .