The NIH Record

November 16, 1999
Vol. LI, No.23

National Conference Explores CVD Trends

NIH Releases New Materials
for Classroom Use

NICHD Celebrates Accomplishments of
Minority Scientists

Nabel To Direct
NHLBI Clinical Research

Y2K — A Major or
Minor Disruption?

NIH Black Scientists
Association Establishes
Memorial Scholarship

Science in the News

News Briefs




Study Subjects Sought

Final Photo

U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

NIH Record Archives

Lesson for Modern Times
NLM History Lecture Examines
'Death in the Cannibal Islands'

By Carla Garnett

King Cakobau of the Cannibal Islands

"The great sickness sits at the masthead... We have fallen upon a new age/ Infectious disease is spreading among us." — English translation of a Fijian meke (chant)

It was supposed to be a good thing. In fall 1874, King Cakobau, the most powerful ruler of the Cannibal Islands (now known as Fiji), signed a deed of cession giving Great Britain control of the archipelago and securing naval protection for the dozens of tiny islands located in a then fairly remote part of the western Pacific Ocean. The Fijians would maintain their lands, according to the agreement, but would become a British Crown colony. England took the nation under its wing and, by all accounts, the Cannibal Islands were glad to go. Mutual satisfaction.
M O R E . . .

Extramural Associates Program:
Gaining Momentum for Y2K

When the Extramural Associates Program was conceived 21 years ago, Dr. Robert Stone was director of NIH, Dr. William Raub was deputy director of the Office of Extramural Research (OER), Dr. Carl Douglass was director of the Division of Research Grants and Dr. Matthew Kinnard was a health scientist administrator in the extramural program of NIDR.
M O R E . . .