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NIH Record  
Vol. LIX, No. 19
September 21, 2007
NIH Hosts First Commissioned Corps Awareness Day
White To Address Malaria Treatment In Gorgas Lecture
Zerhouni Receives Academy of Achievement’s Golden Plate Award
NIH Firefighters Recognized for Rescue Effort in Kensington House Fire
Teenager in Clinical Trial Raises Money for Eye Research
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Small Is Bountiful
Caltech's Roukes Reports on Nanotech Revolution
  Caltech's Dr. Michael Roukes calls for practical applications in nanotechnology.
  Caltech's Dr. Michael Roukes calls for practical applications in nanotechnology.

California Institute of Technology's Dr. Michael Roukes recently offered NIH a report from the academic front, where a revolution in nanotechnology has entered its second decade.

"We've got to get down to brass tacks in the nanoworld," Roukes told the audience in Masur Auditorium. "We've got to do research that will have practical applications." A professor of physics, applied physics and bioengineering, Roukes carried out some of the earliest explorations of nanoelectronic devices. His talk, "Nanocraft v. Nanotechnology: Realizing Transformational Tools for the Life Sciences and Medicine," covered imaginative uses of the new classes of nanotools now emerging.

NIH's Summer Blockbusters
Behind the Scenes at 'Science in the Cinema'

This may come as a surprise, but the Office of Science Education's Science in the Cinema film series is now in its 14th year. Starting quietly in 1994 with The Story of Louis Pasteur, the festival- which combines screenings of medical science-related films with expert-led discussions- has evolved into a summer event, providing its public audiences with the rare opportunity to hear firsthand from scientists about health issues portrayed in popular culture.

According to Debra Knorr, Science in the Cinema program manager, it all started when OSE director Dr. Bruce Fuchs heard about a brown-bag lunch series at a research institute where graduate students watched films related to mental health, then discussed them. "When he became director of this office, he decided to start up a program that included all types of health and medical science issues, and was open to the public," Knorr says.