The NIH Record

September 22, 1998
Vol. L, No. 19

Explore NIH's Scientific Diversity at Research Festival '98

Wednesday Afternoon Lectures Return with Gusto

Turning Research Findings
into Health Care Realities

STEP Announces
1998-1999 Syllabus

NIH Celebrates
Fire Prevention Week

'Medicine for Public' Talks
Mark 22nd Year

Stride Program Holds Ceremony

NIDCD Marks 10th
Anniversary, Oct. 2

News Briefs




Study Subjects Sought

Final Photo

U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

NIH Record Archives

'A Lesson for My Kids'
Marrow Donor Gives Chance at Health,
Gains Perspective on Life

By Carla Garnett

Recent bone marrow donor
Calvin Jackson

Three years ago, Calvin Jackson thought it was probably a good idea to become a bone marrow donor. These days, just a short time since he donated, he says it's a great idea, and that he'd do it again without hesitation.
M O R E . . .

Raises $6K for ALA
NIDR's Shalizi Completes
Cross-USA Bike Trip

By Rich McManus

Ary Shalizi

Calculated at the grand rate of $1.88 per mile, NIDR lab technician Ary Shalizi's summer labors -- pedaling his bike more than 3,200 miles from Seattle to Washington, D.C., on a fundraising ride for the American Lung Association -- weren't wildly lucrative (especially considering that his "earnings" were really payments to the ALA), but the journey's value to him can't be measured in dollars, or on an odometer. Though it wore him out to the verge of quitting, he stayed the meandering, cross-continental course and gained a new appreciation for the size of his country, and the dimensions of his own endurance.
M O R E . . .