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Home » Glaucoma Education Resources and Materials

Glaucoma: Educational Resources and Materials

The National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP) has additional information on glaucoma and ideas on how to use these resources in your community.

Don't Lose Sight of Glaucoma

Publication about the risk of getting open-angle glaucoma. Encourages regular eye exams through dilated pupils. (5 pages).

Order Don't Lose Sight of Glaucoma
English | Spanish

Don't Lose Sight of Glaucoma

Glaucoma: What you should know

Booklet for people with glaucoma and their families and friends. It provides information about open-angle glaucoma, the most common form of glaucoma. This booklet answers questions about the cause and symptoms of the disease and discusses diagnosis and types of treatment. (23 pages) Preview PDF.
Also available in Spanish: El Glaucoma: Lo que usted debe saber.

Order Glaucoma: What you should know
English | Spanish

Glaucoma: What you should know

Glaucoma Eye-Q Test

Take this Eye-Q test - See how much you know about glaucoma. This 10-question true-false quiz can help people at higher risk for glaucoma learn more about the disease and protect their vision. Also available in Spanish: Prueba para ver cuánto sabe sobre el glaucoma.

Order the Glaucoma Eye-Q Test
English | Spanish

Glaucoma Eye-Q Test

Video: Don't Lose Sight of Eye Disease

Tells the stories of Mary and Ben, and how they saved their vision by having a dilated eye examination. In Part One, The Best Things in Life: Controlling Diabetic Eye Disease, Mary, who has diabetes, is diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy when she visits her eye care professional. In Part Two, The Best Things in Life: Controlling Glaucoma, Ben is diagnosed with glaucoma. Regular and open-caption versions are included on this tape.

Order the video

Video: Don't Lose Sight of Eye Disease

Medicare Benefits Card: Glaucoma & Diabetic Eye Disease

This promotional card was developed by the National Eye Institute with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to promote the glaucoma and diabetic eye disease benefits under Medicare. These colorful, two-sided cards include information about benefit eligibility and where to find more information. They can be distributed at health fairs, clinics, meal sites, senior centers, and other community locations.
Also available in Spanish: Tarjeta sobre los beneficios de Medicare: El Glaucoma y la Enfermedad Diabética del Ojo.

Order the Medicare Benefits Card (Packs of 50)
English | Spanish

Medicare Benefits Card: Glaucoma & Diabetic Eye Disease

Educating Your Community about Glaucoma

For people who want to help promote eye health education in their communities. Contains facts about glaucoma, activity suggestions, promotional materials, and a reproducible brochure. Part of the Healthy Vision 2010 Toolkit. (26 pages)

Only available in electronic format. Download PDF (1.62MB)

Educating Your Community about Glaucoma

Glaucoma E-Cards

Send an E-card to friends and loved ones! Choose from a variety of designs in English or Spanish and inform people about the importance of getting a comprehensive dilated eye exam to reduce their risk of vision loss from glaucoma.

Send an e-card

Glaucoma Postcards and E-Cards

Drop-In Article

This article is great for newsletters or magazines. It provides information about glaucoma and encourages those at higher risk to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam every one to two years. Also available in Spanish.

Drop-In Article
English | Spanish

Drop-In Article

Fact Sheet—PDF

Provides information people need to know about glaucoma, including that glaucoma has no warning signs, vision lost to glaucoma cannot be restored, who is at higher risk for glaucoma, and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment to prevent vision loss. Also available in Spanish.

Fact Sheet—PDF
English | Spanish

Fact Sheet

Church Bulletin Announcement

A great way to reach faith communities! For inclusion in church bulletins, these announcements provide important information about glaucoma. Also available in Spanish.

Church Bulletin Announcement
English | Spanish

Church Bulletin Announcement

Glaucoma Education Webpage

Provides a consumer-friendly forum where people can learn important information about early detection, treatment, and follow-up care for glaucoma, as well as order educational materials. Also available in Spanish.

Glaucoma Education Webpage
English | Spanish

Glaucoma Education Webpage

Print Public Service Announcements

Print these English or Spanish announcements in your circulars and post them throughout your store to encourage customers at higher risk for glaucoma to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

Print Public Service Announcements
English | Spanish

PSA samples

Retail Store Materials

These downloadable resources can be used by retailers to increase their consumers' awareness about glaucoma and the importance of dilated eye exams.

Retail Store Announcements
Read these announcements over your public address system to encourage customers who are at higher risk for glaucoma to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Also available in Spanish.

Sales Receipt Messages
Print these messages on sales receipts to encourage customers at higher risk for glaucoma to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Also available in Spanish.

Radio Public Service Announcements
Share these English and Spanish announcements with your local radio stations to tell listeners about the importance of dilated eye exams for people at higher risk for glaucoma.


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This page was last modified in January 2009

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health